A man who serves as his wife's maid knows that the housework is his responsibility, but sometimes a mistress wants more than for her husband to take care of the regular chores. There are tasks that need to be undertaken once in a while, requiring a male maid to work even harder because he doesn't do them as often. From cleaning carpets to washing curtains, these duties are no less essential than more frequent dusting and vacuuming, yet provide plenty of challenge for men who must tackle them while wearing dresses and aprons.
In these stories about submissive husbands working as housemaids, men are expected to do whatever it takes to keep everything clean, figuring out all the details so that their wives don't have to worry about exactly what's involved. Their efforts might go mostly unnoticed, but allowing the lady of the house to sit back and relax isn't completely without rewards - there's plenty of fun for all concerned when men are instructed to perform occasional chores.
Paul isn't allowed to forgo his maid's uniform completely when he goes out to collect a carpet cleaner, with this male maid reminded of his position by the bra and stockings he must hide beneath his clothes. He's no sooner returned from the rental store than his wife is expecting him to wear his apron and dress again, but that's all the interest that Julia will show in him - she's going out with a friend, leaving him to get on with his work without her. Knowing that he has a long, hard day ahead of him, Paul can't afford to get distracted, instead having to become familiar with a strange machine if his wife is to be happy when she comes home. Find out how he fares in Mistress's Carpets.
The study is just one of the rooms that Steven dusts and vacuums as part of his duties as a maid, with this submissive husband not really thinking about what he's doing as he works his way through the house. Meredith wants him to give the room where she works more than just a quick once-over, however, sending him back with instructions to clean everything thoroughly. That will require Steven to crawl under her desk in order to dismantle her computer, then give its cables individual attention, quite apart from what he'll need to do with all her books. Will his wife appreciate the difference when he finally finishes? Either way, he can't cut corners, as you'll read in Mistress's Computer.
A wet day means that Brian will be working inside, with his wife setting him the task of sorting out her shoe rack if he doesn't want to go out and scrub the patio in the pouring rain. Sharon's seemingly simple command turns out to be a surprising amount of work for her housemaid husband, however, all the more so because of how she insists that he wears high heels! To do a little sweeping, Brian will have to remove all of his wife's dresses, blouses and skirts in addition to her shoes, despite knowing that everything will need to be put back afterwards. With precious little to show for his efforts, this male maid must appreciate the scant attention his wife gives him, as you'll discover in Mistress's Cupboard.
Frank thinks it's much too hot to work as a maid, but his wife sees things differently - the scorching sun is ideal weather for him to wash the bedroom curtains! He should be glad that she allows him to wear a lightweight uniform, even if it makes no secret of his lingerie, with the possibility of having to change into sweltering petticoats, pinafore and a corset making Frank sweat still more as he seeks to oblige. The curtains won't be all that he'll attend to in his see-through maid's dress, however, Audrey deciding that it's time the freezer was defrosted too! Will Frank be able to juggle so many demands, or will the heat and hard work prove too much? Find out in Mistress's Curtains.
Male maids benefit from being given more challenging chores from time to time, and the men in these stories about husbands cleaning the house are no exception. Everyday dusting isn't enough to ensure that everything stays spotless, with there being many other tasks that a maid must take care of if he wants to be worthy of his uniform. It doesn't matter how difficult those tasks may be, because when a woman says she wants something doing, it's a submissive man's responsibility to attend to it! Whatever her demands, he'll have to work hard, but that doesn't mean he won't enjoy his occasional chores.
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