in thrall to her belt

four female chastity fantasies

What do a student, a secretary, a maid and a princess have in common? Despite their very different circumstances, they must all endure the same frustration, each subject to a regime of strict chastity that leaves them longing to feel more than maddening metal! It doesn't matter how desperate these sexual denied women might become, however, because their chastity belts won't be unlocked before their hands are helplessly cuffed, ensuring that there can never be any possibility of selfish fingers slipping where they shouldn't.

In these female chastity fantasies, four women must learn to live with being locked, having to accept that pleasuring themselves is a thing of the past once they surrender their sex. All will discover that wearing a chastity belt is not entirely without any benefits, albeit coming at the cost of no longer being able to choose when to climax. Whether they really know what they're getting themselves in for or not, every one will end up in thrall to her belt.

In these erotic stories about female chastity, there's no possibility of unauthorised pleasure once a woman is locked in a chastity belt, with even seeing her sex requiring her to accept alternative restraints before the metal is removed. She can beg all she likes, but it won't make any difference to how she'll stay denied, strict chastity being enforced with collar and cuffs when her belt comes off. A humble maid might reluctantly resign herself to such a frustrating fate, knowing she has little choice in the matter, but a haughty princess will find it even harder to accept her predicament for having brought it on herself! Regardless of a woman's position, her plight is sure to prove exciting, denial not preventing her arousal when she's in thrall to her belt.

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