Lingerie is powerful stuff, no matter who's wearing it! When a man finds himself fastened in firmly feminine foundations to please the love of his life, you can be sure he's in for a rollercoaster ride of sexual submission. There's no doubt who's in charge when a husband wears panties and a boyfriend wears bras, as the heroes of these stories about male feminization discover when they learn just what it means to wear lingerie like a lady - with all that entails!
Regardless of whether the garments in question are everyday women's underwear or more old-fashioned corsetry, there's nothing more submissive for a man than feeling feminized from the skin up. From forming a deliciously naughty means of courtship to wearing it as often as any woman, lingerie has its place for these men both in and out of the bedroom. Indeed, such sexy underwear is so seductive that it ensures they remain right where they ought to be - in loving relationships made stronger by silky satin and luscious lace.
Jennifer is surprisingly receptive to her husband's desire to wear lingerie, encouraging him to do just that - but only on her terms. While Donald might fantasise about fooling about in skimpy thongs and sexy stockings, he soon learns that pretty panties and practical pantyhose are what real woman wear when they're going about their everyday business. More exciting garments aren't completely off limits for the man expected to emulate his wife's intimate apparel, however, as you'll find out in Just Like A Woman.
Sally bought her husband a bra to teach him a lesson about her own underwear, but Nigel soon finds that wearing this most feminine of garments is a slippery slope, learning all about erotic feminization and lingerie discipline in the process. Wearing a bra to work ensures that he'll be home on time, but it doesn't stop there for a man whose wife uses lingerie to liven up their love life. In The Difference A Year Makes, you'll follow Nigel's journey from being utterly clueless about such intimate attire to being brassièred on a full-time basis - for both punishment and pleasure!
Nathan's wife has a penchant for period dramas, but he's less enamoured by tales of demure débutantes - until he becomes a damsel in distress himself! When Karen laces him in a corset, this feminized husband learns first-hand why the ladies onscreen are always swooning so breathlessly, but far more is in store for him in his foundation wear, with his wife adopting the role of a strict governess before making love to her charge! Discover how this couple bring new life to old-fashioned underwear in The Governess's Corsets.
Studying for exams is difficult at the best of times, but sitting opposite a girl who flirtatiously flaunts her bra straps makes things next to impossible for David. It seems Nina loves lingerie just as much as he does, revelling in its feminine fascination as she enchants her man - first with her own undies, then with his! Falling in love in a library is made all the more exciting by lacy frills, but will David be prepared to go the extra mile for a girl who likes her boys in bras? Find out in Seduced By Her Bra Straps.
The allure of such arousing attire means that these men find themselves inexorably drawn to wearing women's underwear for their wives and girlfriends, gaining a first-hand appreciation of its power from a more female perspective! If the idea of men wearing lingerie is as exciting for you as it is for them, you'll find firmly feminine foundations a fascinating frolic in frillies!
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By buying a copy of this book, you do more than merely get yourself an arousing read! As well as encouraging the author, sales support the brassièred website, helping to promote the positive aspects of lingerie discipline, male chastity and men as maids in loving female led relationships.