There's something supremely captivating about corsets, as the couple in this love story about lacing discover as they become closer by cinching one another in stiffly boned brocade. It starts with David being seduced by what Sarah's wearing, instinctively drawn to her eye-catching corset at a costume party, but it isn't long before he's tightly laced too! Falling ever deeper under the spell of these fascinating garments, he'll find himself wearing much more before his new girlfriend is satisfied, becoming her doll, her princess and her maid as their budding relationship develops into full bloom.
Corsetry brings this couple together, but luxurious lingerie and fairytale dresses also play a part in a most provocative romance. Helplessly lost in a world of wonderfully womanly attire, the corseted man at the centre of it all can only surrender to his girlfriend's whims - from fooling about in corsets to wearing them more seriously, it's all about falling in love with lacing.
David had all but given up on the costume party when the curves of a woman's corset catch his eye. A brief glimpse of the compelling garment isn't enough for him, but when he catches up with its wearer, he finds himself becoming far more intimate with her foundations that he ever could have dreamt! After being challenged to measure the corseted woman, he must allow her to do the same to him - a process that Sarah repeats when she subsequently invites him to her apartment! It's all with the aim of her making him a corset of his own, one which he'll be wearing as they take their relationship to the next level. Of course, she'll be corseted throughout, as you'll read in The Woman in the Corset.
Lacing her boyfriend into a simple white corset isn't enough for Sarah, however, with the student seamstress soon putting together a far more extravagant affair for David to wear. Festooned with lace and ribbons, there can be little doubt about the femininity of the sleek satin, but its pastel pink isn't all that will be imposing a more womanly shape. Learning what it's like to wear a bra as his girlfriend gives him breasts, David finds himself in stockings when she rewards him for his submission - yet that's only the first stage of her plan to turn him into the prettiest of princesses. She'll put him in petticoats and the dreamiest of dresses before she's done, as you'll find out in Her Dress-up Doll.
Calling upon the help of a friend to do David's make-up, Sarah has her freshly feminized boyfriend practise parading in his new outfit, but he'll need to do more than merely flounce about in her bedroom. Unable to change out of such emasculating clothing, he must accompany her to the park, picking up quite an entourage along the way. As well as people wanting to take his picture, there's the sweltering heat of a greenhouse to contend with, conspiring with his corset to see him swoon. Even after fainting, however, he'll remain tightly corseted as his girlfriend takes him home, Sarah treating him to some royal devotion as he lifts up his skirts. Follow his adventures in Her Pretty Princess.
Lying in bed alongside his girlfriend, David wakes to more than just her arm wrapped around him, finding himself wearing one of the corsets that have become such a fundamental part of their relationship. Unable to slip the stiff boning thanks to how she's secured its laces, he must remain in its tight embrace even as he burrows his way under the sheets, but that won't be the only way he'll putting her first that day. He'll be corseted again for her party, albeit over his dress and petticoats, with the apron he must wear on top doing nothing to disguise his submission as he serves as her maid. That includes helping Sarah into a corset dress of her own, as you'll discover in For Ever and Ever and Ever.
Each of these erotic stories about a corseted couple can be read separately, but together they form a thrilling account of how a relationship can develop when boning, busks and brocade lead the way. Even though both girlfriend and boyfriend wear similar garments, it's clear who's in charge when he comes to share her foundation wear, corsets putting her in control! What he wears will make him the centre of attention when she chooses to show his corsets off, but it'll also make sure he can't stop thinking of her whenever he's caught in the clutches of one. It's the start of an exciting ride for both of them when this loving couple begin falling in love with lacing.
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