en français, Fifi! is a course in basic French for the submissive crossdresser. It is intended to give the student an understanding of the language sufficient to permit him to perform the functions of a maid or secretary without any need to resort to English. Putting a solid emphasis on grammar, this textbook for sissies teaches all the vocabulary that a feminized servant or subordinate should know, using exaggerated examples that will prove as memorable as they are provocative. The would-be speaker will find himself immersed in a world where men wear bras and chastity belts as they seek to please their female superiors with selfless submission, forever fearing shameful punishment.
en français, Fifi! features themes of lingerie discipline, male chastity and men as maids. It should go without saying that, like everything else at brassièred, it is intended for adults only.
Congratulations! You've made it to the end of the course! Look back for a moment at lesson one, and see how far you've come! To begin with, you may not have been able to say much more than Oui, Madame and Non, Madame, but now, you should know the difference between adjectives and auxiliaries, past participles and imperfect tenses - that is, if you've studied as diligently as you should! Have you really made enough of an effort, however, or have you only scraped through the exercises at the end of each lesson? Lazy maids might like to think that they can get away with not giving their all, but there's no fooling your mistress when you're put to the test - as you're about to discover! It's time to prove yourself, with two longer translation exercises that shouldn't pose a problem if you've previously paid attention. They need nothing more in the way of vocabulary or grammar than that you should have already learned, but they're sure to catch you out if you've cut corners! Will you enjoy the praise of your mistress, or suffer a painful punishment? These thousand word tests will answer that question!
Translate the following:
Oui, Madame, je porte un soutien-gorge. Je dois en porter un tout le temps, comme une femme. Au travail, je porte un soutien-gorge bustier. Il est très serré et un peu inconfortable, mais il est verrouillé, donc je ne peux pas l'enlever sans permission. Ma maîtresse dit que les femmes ne peuvent pas enlever leur soutien-gorge au travail, donc je ne peux le faire pas non plus, parce que je suis un secrétaire féminisé. Les bonnets ont des armatures, et sont en satin, mais je dois les remplir avec des seins en silicone. Vous voudriez connaître ma taille ? Oui, Madame, je porte un bonnet D. C'est très humiliant pour un homme ! Je suis gêné que mon soutien-gorge soit visible à travers mon chemisier ajusté, mais ma maîtresse m'a fait porter un soutien-gorge noir et un chemisier transparent aujourd'hui. J'ai peur que tout le monde regarde ma poitrine, mais je dois me rappeler que je suis une femmelette.
Il me faut aussi porter une gaine-culotte montante. Elle est noire aussi. Elle a huit jarretelles pour retenir mes bas couture noirs, que je ne dois jamais filer si je ne veux pas en acheter de nouveaux. Comme mon soutien-gorge bustier, ma gaine-culotte est verrouillée avec une clé que ma maîtresse garde dans son décolleté. Elle l'utilise comme une ceinture de chasteté, et je ne peux pas me masturber quand je la porte. En ce moment, j'ai vraiment besoin d'aller aux toilettes, mais je vais devoir attendre jusqu'à ce que je rentre à la maison. Est-ce qu'il est nécessaire que les secrétaires portent des jupes si courtes ? J'ai honte que le haut de mes bas dépassent quand je me penche sur un classeur ! Je sais que les hommes aiment voir les secrétaires porter des jupes droites moulantes et des talons aiguilles, mais ceux-ci rendent le travail très difficile !
Aussitôt que je serai rentré à la maison, ma maîtresse tiendra à ce que je m'habille en soubrette. Elle me permettra d'enlever ma gaine-culotte, mais seulement pour que je puisse mettre une cage de chasteté extrêmement petite. J'espère qu'elle ne m'allumera pas trop d'abord aujourd'hui ! Hier, j'ai presque joui dans sa main, même si elle m'a menacé d'une fessée très sévère. J'ai été enfermé pendant des semaines sans aucun plaisir, mais ma maîtresse dit que ma frustration me rend plus soumise ! Une bonne frustrée n'est pas une bonne paresseuse, elle dit toujours, et je ne peux pas être en désaccord. Je fais tout ce qu'elle veut, sans qu'elle me le demande. Hier, j'ai lavé et repassé ses vêtements ainsi que les draps, j'ai ciré ses chaussures, j'ai dépoussiéré et passé l'aspirateur dans le salon, la salle à manger et la chambre, j'ai nettoyé la cuisine et la salle de bain, j'ai frotté les toilettes et la baignoire, mais ce n'était pas assez pour elle. Parfois, elle s'asseyait sur sa chaise et me regardait travailler en se moquant de moi, mais souvent, elle m'ignorait complètement, lisant son livre ou bavardant avec ses amies au téléphone. Quand j'ai eu fini, je l'ai suppliée de déverrouiller mon petit zizi, promettant que j'avalerais, mais elle a ri et a dit que je le ferais de toute façon !
Ce soir, ma maîtresse a invité ses amies à dîner. Elle a donné l'ordre que je choisisse ma propre tenue, mais a suggéré qu'elle soit rose. Dans ma penderie, il y a plusieurs robes de soubrette rose, mais je ne pense pas que le rose vif soit le mieux. Au lieu de cela, j'en porterai une rose pastel en satin - très courte, avec beaucoup de jupons à froufrous. Parce que celle-là est si courte, je sais que je vais montrer ma culotte, et donc je dois en choisir une jolie - peut-être rose à pois blancs pour amuser les femmes. Il me faudra porter un soutien-gorge et un porte-jarretelles assortis aussi, avec des bas blancs. Ma maîtresse et ses amies préfèrent que je sois très plantureux, pour qu'elles puissent regarder mes seins rebondir pendant que je chancelle sur mes talons aiguilles. Je vais mettre mon plus grand soutien-gorge ampliforme, parce que je tiens à faire plaisir à ma maîtresse. Si je ne fais pas plaisir à ma maîtresse, elle ne me permettra pas de me branler devant ses amies, elle me punira. Je ne veux pas être puni après qu'elles aient bu du vin, parce qu'elles peuvent être très cruelles avec leurs brosses à cheveux et leurs mains !
Je porterai un très petit tablier à froufrous pour montrer que je suis une bonne. Il est capital que je ne salisse pas mon tablier, même si je vais devoir faire la cuisine, puis la vaisselle. Si mon tablier n'est pas propre ou mes bas filent, les bretelles de mon soutien-gorge dépassent ou j'oublie ma coiffe, ma maîtresse sera en colère contre moi. Elle me grondera et j'aurai honte. Souvent, quand je déçois ma maîtresse, elle me contraint m'agenouiller dans le coin et m'interdit de parler. Parfois, elle m'astreint porter un bâillon aussi, mais ce soir, je crains qu'elle ne demande à ses amies quoi faire de moi. La dernière fois qu'elle a fait une fête, elles ont peint mes ongles et m'ont fait me maquiller. J'ai été maquillé comme une voiture volée quand elles ont fini ! Puis, elles me fait porter un collier, et m'ont promené en laisse comme un chien. Je bandais, et ma cage de chasteté était très douloureuse, mais ma maîtresse n'a pas voulu l'enlever, même si je suppliais et geignais pitoyablement. Elle a dit que c'était mieux si je souffrais, et a demandé si je voulais sucer un gode pour divertir ses amies. Je n'avais pas le choix, et ses amies m'ont donné une fessée en riant et se moquant de moi tout le temps !
Oui, Madame, j'aurai fini de taper votre rapport avant la réunion. Combien de femmes y assisteront ? C'est vraiment beaucoup ! Voudriez-vous que je prenne les notes ? Merci, Madame, je comprends, je dois transcrire chaque mot. Vous aimeriez que je me tienne près de la porte, parce qu'un secrétaire ne devrait pas s'asseoir ? Mais, bien sûr, Madame, je connais ma place ! Et est-ce que cela vous plairait que je fasse du café ? Vous désirez que j'achète des gâteaux aussi ? Oui, Madame, j'irai à la pâtisserie quand j'aurai fini. Maintenant, Madame ? Si cela vous fait plaisir ! Non, Madame, je ne savais pas que j'avais filé un bas ! Veuillez accepter mes excuses, Madame, j'achèterai une autre paire pendant que je suis dehors. Quand je reviendrai, je viendrai à votre bureau pour ma punition. Mais, s'il vous plaît, ne me fessez pas trop !
Say the following in French:
Submissive men must always obey their wife, girlfriend or mistress if they do not want to disappoint her. They should do what they are told without complaining, even if it is very humiliating. If the lady of the house prefers that her husband wears only a kitchen apron for serving her friends, he should be happy to wear that apron, but if she prefers that he dresses as a French maid, he will have to hope that they will not be able to see his panties under his frilly petticoats! Many women insist that their husband wear panties all the time, even when he is not serving as a maid. Some men even have to wear bras and stockings to work! A man cannot forget that he is wearing women's underwear, especially when his wife makes him wear a chastity belt as well. Until she unlocks it, he cannot get hard, he cannot touch himself, and he cannot come. He knows that he is a sissy!
I do not like to disappoint my mistress. It is natural that I am afraid of being punished, but I do not want her to be disappointed. It is imperative that a maid does not annoy his mistress if he does not want to be punished. She could give me a severe spanking with her hairbrush and make me kneel in the corner for several hours, while sucking a dildo to say sorry. Or she could compel me to wear a very tight panty girdle and a cumbersome longline bra, ordering that I pad the cups with silicone breasts before demanding that I scrub all the floors of the house with a little brush. She might make me drink several glasses of water before I begin, so that I need to go to the toilet. I would be very afraid of wetting my panties! I would hate having to wear a padlocked gag so that I could not beg her to let me go, but she is my mistress and she decides how I must be punished.
Some men harass secretaries, but they would not to be like to be harassed if they had to wear a fitted blouse and pencil skirt all day. It is impossible to hide a black bra under a sheer blouse and it is very difficult to bend over a filing cabinet without revealing the tops of one's stockings. A good secretary must know how to type quickly and accurately when he takes the minutes of a meeting or transcribes dictation, even if he has false nails. He should always answer the phone immediately and satisfies his boss by making the coffee, tottering on his stiletto heels. As well as shaving his legs every day and regularly checking his stockings, a secretary should wear plenty of make-up - scarlet lipstick, thick mascara and black eyeshadow - so that his face is sensual. He must never disturb his boss when he knows that she is busy, unless he wants to lower his skirt and bend over her desk for a spanking. If he cannot continue his work without her opinion, he will have to wait, perhaps amusing himself with the paperclips and the drawing pins. Will he have to work late to please her? He is only a secretary, but she is the boss!
Would I like to be the secretary of a bossy businesswoman? Yes, I would like that very much, but I would also like to be her maid. I can clean toilets and scrub baths, I can polish shoes and iron sheets. I would love to serve my mistress's friends, wearing a skimpy outfit so that they knew that I am a maid. Would my mistress prevent them from teasing me? “Please, Ma'am, don't make me lift my petticoats and show my chastity belt”, I would beg, but her friends would laugh and mock me when they would see the locked steel. “Do you like to wear that?”, they would ask, and I would have to say “No, ladies, but my mistress has forbidden me to masturbate”. “And what about your bra? Do you like to wear a very tight, sturdy bra? What colour is it today?”. I would have to tell them my size and show them that I am wearing a matching garter belt to hold up my stockings, blushing with shame. My mistress might say “Go get a cup for your little treat, and my hairbrush for your punishment!”. I would hate being spanked even more after I have swallowed my seed. It would be very humiliating, but a maid must entertain his mistress and her friends!
I asked my mistress if she would prefer that I painted my nails, perhaps a pretty pastel pink because I am a sissy, but she said that I would only be peeling the vegetables and doing the dishes this evening. “A maid does not need to have pretty hands, especially not when he is preparing dinner”, she told me severely. “But you ordered me to wear my pastel pink corset, and that is very pretty”, I complained. “It is very tight”, she corrected me. “And you cannot see it under your black dress, can you? Would you like me to tighten it, so that you can't forget that it is there?”. “No, Ma'am, forgive me for disturbing you. I have lots of vegetables that I must peel before your friends arrive!”, I said sheepishly. “When you have peeled them, you will set the table and open a bottle of wine”, she told me. “Then you will stay in the kitchen, because we do not want to see you tonight. Defrost the freezer or clean the cooker, but don't disturb us while we're chatting. You're a maid, you don't eat with us!”.
My mistress is in the process of training me to be a proper maid. I will always do what she wants without complaining. I will never disobey her. I will never disappoint her. I will accept all the punishments that she decides that I need, I will become a good maid, and one day, I will serve her friends!
If you failed to translate those tests fluently, you'll need to go back to the beginning of this book - not to start from scratch, but to build on what you've learned. Don't be dispirited, however - you should find everything is easier to understand the second time around. You'll see patterns in words that you didn't before, recognising things that you might not have realised you knew. So long as you're prepared to make an effort, you can master even the most challenging of grammar - in fact, if you look back at the very first lesson, you'll likely be surprised by how much sense the phrases you learned now make! There's one thing that's critical to remember, no matter whether you're seeking to walk in stilettos or trying to wrap your tongue around unfamiliar words, - practice makes perfect, so répète, répète, répète as many times as it takes to master it all!
Even when you've exhausted everything this book has to offer, your adventures in French don't need to stop - indeed, we've only just scratched the surface of this wonderful language. You can continue to expand your vocabulary to cover every subject imaginable, with a wealth of classic texts and contemporary materials at your fingertips should you want to move beyond games of mistress and maid. You don't need to travel the world to make use of your French, although you'll find it invaluable if you do go globetrotting, with even a little of the language helping to making a holiday more authentic. Might you prove your skills by obtaining a formal qualification to impress an employer, or content yourself with following the latest fashions, en français? Don't let these just be idle daydreams, even if you are still expected to do the cleaning, as befits a man who'll always be a submissive maid.