en français, Fifi!

leçons 1 à 7 - lessons 1 to 7

en français, Fifi! is a course in basic French for the submissive crossdresser. It is intended to give the student an understanding of the language sufficient to permit him to perform the functions of a maid or secretary without any need to resort to English. Putting a solid emphasis on grammar, this textbook for sissies teaches all the vocabulary that a feminized servant or subordinate should know, using exaggerated examples that will prove as memorable as they are provocative. The would-be speaker will find himself immersed in a world where men wear bras and chastity belts as they seek to please their female superiors with selfless submission, forever fearing shameful punishment.

en français, Fifi! features themes of lingerie discipline, male chastity and men as maids. It should go without saying that, like everything else at brassièred, it is intended for adults only.

leçon 1: je suis désolé, Madame - I am sorry, Ma'am

Let's be frank. It takes more than just donning a dress to look like a woman. More often than not, men who wear maid's uniforms are still unmistakably men - albeit men who have accepted that their place is to serve! It doesn't matter how absurd you appear in your apron, however, so long as you make an effort to please - you can be built like the proverbial outhouse, towering over your mistress even without your heels, yet still make her happy by waiting upon her every whim. In fact, she may find it more satisfying that you can never rival her femininity, an unlikely uniform stopping you getting ideas above your station.

So too with French pronunciation. Even with years of practise, it's likely that you'll still sound foreign to the native ear, with a half-hearted attempt at a French accent fooling no-one. Does that mean it's pointless to try? No more than wearing a bra when you don't have breasts - even without falsies, such a garment serves a very profound purpose for a sissy, and so too does striving to pronounce the words you say the same way that a real French maid might. You may sound ridiculous, perhaps inviting mockery from anyone who hears, but you must swallow your pride and persevere! It is enough for you to sound different when you speak French, just as your uniform makes you look different, because in sounding and looking different, you'll feel different, and people will treat you differently, helping you get into the right frame of mind for a maid.

An authentic French accent cannot be taught, certainly not from a book such as this. Only by immersing yourself in the spoken language can you hope to pick up its nuances. If your mistress permits, you might avail yourself of the copious volume of material to be found online, perhaps searching for videos using some of the vocabulary you'll learn in the forthcoming lessons. Simply feeding the word soutien-gorge into a search box will yield hours of audio, which you (or your mistress) may decide is better listened to without pictures so as to avoid you becoming distracted! Alternatively, you might watch a romantic film, with or without subtitles, to get a feel for this most sensual of languages, putting yourself in the place of a lover even if you can't do so physically because of your chastity belt. Listen to women talking about love (or bras!), and répète, répète, répète!

le strict nécessaire - the basic necessities

A good maid should be seen but not heard, with the best servants not bothering their superiors any more than is absolutely necessary. At a bare minimum, a maid might only need to be able to acknowledge instructions and apologise for intruding, requiring no more than a handful of words that even the dullest can memorise. What would it be like to be limited to only the following phrases?

Oui, Madame Yes, Ma'am
Non, Madame No, Ma'am
Excusez-moi, Madame ! Excuse me, Ma'am!
Pardonnez-moi, Madame ! Forgive me, Ma'am!
S'il vous plaît, Madame Please, Ma'am

Throughout this book, the maid will refer to his mistress as Madame, which we shall translate as “Ma'am”, but may also mean “Mrs”, as in the case of Madame Masters. Depending on the whim of the woman you serve, you may be expected to use Maîtresse, meaning “Mistress”, or Mademoiselle, meaning “Miss” - the latter is more appropriate for younger, unmarried women, but may be considered a flattering affectation by those of a certain age. If you have the privilege of addressing more than one lady, you should use the plural forms, Mesdames or Mesdemoiselles. If you are addressing a gentleman, use Monsieur (“Mr”, plural Messieurs) or Maître (“Master”) and for a mixed group, Mesdames et Messieurs (loosely “ladies and gentlemen”).

façons de demander pardon - ways of asking forgiveness

You will inevitably make many mistakes while serving as a maid, whether born of your ignorance, clumsiness or carelessness. It is not only appropriate that you apologise, but it may mollify your mistress's dissatisfaction and prevent a punishment should you show that you are sorry for your shortcomings. Having a range of apologies at your disposal will help you avoid sounding like a broken record as you seek to bow and scrape your way back into your superior's good books. Repeat the following until they come to your lips automatically:

Je suis désolé, Madame I am sorry, Ma'am
Je suis tellement désolé, Madame I am so sorry, Ma'am
Je suis vraiment désolé, Madame I am truly sorry, Ma'am
Je suis sincèrement désolé, Madame I am sincerely sorry, Ma'am
Je suis profondément désolé, Madame I am profoundly sorry, Ma'am
Je suis terriblement désolé, Madame I am terribly sorry, Ma'am
Je suis affreusement désolé, Madame I am frightfully sorry, Ma'am

In a less formal context, Désolé ! may be used to mean “Sorry!”, but it would be an audacious maid who would seek to apologise in such a casual way to his mistress! Nor is any lady of the house likely to take kindly to hearing endless variations of the above, so it's best to learn other ways of expressing your regret if you don't want to find yourself being punished for your errors.

C'est ma faute, Madame It's my fault, Ma'am
Je vous demande pardon, Madame I beg your pardon, Ma'am
Veuillez m'excuser, Madame ! Please excuse me, Ma'am!
Je vous prie de bien vouloir me pardonner, Madame Please forgive me, Ma'am
Veuillez accepter mes excuses, Madame ! Please accept my apologies, Ma'am!
Pardonnez-moi de vous déranger, Madame ! Forgive me for disturbing you, Ma'am!
Vous avez raison, Madame You're right, Ma'am

You don't need to understand the meaning of every word for the moment, although you may already see how some are similar to their English equivalents. Would a maid ever dare to “demand” anything of his mistress, however? Fortunately, the French verb demander means “to ask”, whereas the plural noun excuses means “apologies” rather than any suggestion of shirking one's responsibilities, but you may wish to use alternatives to avoid unintended offence nonetheless!

façons de remercier - ways of saying thank you

It is a privilege to serve as a maid, with the humblest of chores not something you should ever begrudge. Indeed, even if your mistress ignores you as you busy yourself on her behalf, you should always be grateful for her giving you the opportunity to please her. It is especially important to say thank you when your superior rewards you with instructions or else takes the time to correct you, let alone when she administers a punishment for your benefit. Practise the following until they are part of you:

Merci, Madame Thank you, Ma'am
Merci beaucoup, Madame Thank you very much, Ma'am
Merci mille fois, Madame A thousand thank yous, Ma'am
C'est vraiment gentil de votre part, Madame That's really kind of you, Ma'am
Je vous remercie du fond du cœur, Madame I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ma'am
Je vous suis tellement reconnaissant, Madame I am so grateful, Ma'am

exercices pour la première leçon - exercises for the first lesson

Practise all of the above phrases until they trip off your tongue, making an effort to sound as French as you can. Adopt a tone appropriate for a maid, and accompany each phrase with a curtsey or bow as though addressing your mistress.

leçon 2: présentes-toi à ta maîtresse - introduce yourself to your mistress

It may amuse your mistress to address you as merely “maid”, but it is still important that you are able to introduce yourself to anyone who cares to know what to call you - especially if you are expected to adopt an especially sissy name while serving. Be sure to pronounce it with a suitably French accent!

Je m'appelle Fifi My name is Fifi (literally “I call myself Fifi”)

quel genre de bonne es-tu ? - what sort of maid are you?

There may be no doubt about your subordinate status when you present yourself in a dress and apron, but you should nevertheless know how to accept your place.

Je suis une bonne I am a maid
Je suis une domestique I am a housemaid
Je suis une femme de chambre I am a chambermaid
Je suis une soubrette I am a sissy maid
Je suis une femmelette I am a sissy
Je suis un secrétaire I am a (male) secretary
Je suis un mari soumis I am a submissive husband

In French, there are several ways to say “maid”, each having different connotations. We will be using bonne, which conveys suggestions of a traditional servant - a very suitable role model for a submissive man! Bonniche is a pejorative derivative, comparable with “skivvy”, whereas soubrette suggests the exaggerated stereotype that appeals to more selfish sissies, the kind of French maid that might flounce around with a feather duster in a farce! Returning to reality, domestique could refer to an old-fashioned domestic servant or a more modern cleaner, while femme de chambre (literally “woman of the room”) or femme de ménage (“woman of the household”) more appropriately describe the maids one might find in a hotel.

You may never have stopped to think how the word “sissy” has acquired a special meaning for submissive crossdressers, somewhat divorced from how the general population understands it. The same is true in French, with naïve translations such as poule mouillée (literally “wet hen”) or lavette (“dishcloth”) more suggestive of “wimp” or “coward” than a man with a weakness for wearing women's clothing. While an audience may well be amused to hear you announce that you are un trouillard or un poltron (“a coward, a chicken”) as you curtsey in your unmanly uniform, we will eschew such demeaning terms in favour of femmelette - a word which could be considered an offensive insult in other contexts, but which we hope might be reclaimed by men who delight in being unable to be too manly because of the exaggeratedly feminine roles they adopt. You're not ashamed to be a sissy, are you?

You should have noticed that we used un with some words and une with others to mean “a” - un mari, une bonne (“a husband, a maid”). This is because, unlike in English, every French noun (naming words like “maid”, “dishcloth” or “Fifi”) has a gender, being either masculine or feminine, and associated words such as articles (“a”) and adjectives (“submissive”) must match. Although the genders we have seen have been reasonably logical (maids are feminine, husbands are masculine), this is not always the case - we'll see in a latter lesson that there are good grammatical reasons for submissive men to wear bras! Some nouns referring to people change depending on their gender - a female boss is une patronne, whereas a male one is un patron. The latter might have a female secretary, une secrétaire, although neither will be found here! Maids, however, are invariably feminine, even when they're men.

qui sers-tu ? - who do you serve?

For now, let's continue your introduction, and look at the most important aspect of being a submissive man - the woman you serve. Whether she's your wife, your girlfriend or your mistress, learn how to pledge your devotion:

Je sers ma femme I serve my wife
Je sers ma copine I serve my girlfriend
Je sers ma maîtresse I serve my mistress
Je sers ma patronne I serve my (female) boss
Je sers la maîtresse de maison I serve the lady (literally “mistress”) of the house

Note that femme means “wife” when used with a possessive adjective such as ma (“my”), but “woman” when used with an article such as la (“the”). As with English, the meaning changes with context, so you'll need to keep your wits about you if you're not to show yourself up by suggesting you sers la femme (“serve the woman”) - hardly a complimentary way to speak of her!

Clauses can be combined with et (“and”), so you're now in a position to introduce yourself properly.

Je m'appelle Fifi, je suis une bonne et je sers ma maîtresse My name is Fifi, I'm a maid, and I serve my mistress

exercices pour la deuxième leçon - exercises for the second lesson

Put yourself in the position of other submissive men and say in French:

  1. My name is Michelle, I am a sissy, and I serve my girlfriend

  2. My name is Cherie, I am a secretary, and I serve my boss

  3. My name is Yvonne, I am a chambermaid, and I serve the lady of the house

At a party, you hear sissies announcing themselves. Translate for your mistress:

  1. Je m'appelle Suzette, je suis une soubrette et je sers ma femme

  2. Je m'appelle Chantelle, je suis une bonniche et je sers ma maîtresse

  3. Je m'appelle Mimi, je suis une domestique et je sers la femme

Which sissy will receive a painful spanking for his poor understanding of French? Make sure you don't suffer a similar fate by practising yourself!

leçon 3: il est la bonne, elle est la maîtresse - he is the maid, she is the mistress

Even if you couldn't say exactly what a subject pronoun is, you nevertheless already know how they can take the place of nouns, instinctively using “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it” or “they” as required - even simple sentences would sound strange without them! Like English, French also has these small words, allowing you to avoid having to explicitly name a subject each time, but they don't correspond exactly to their English equivalents.

je I
tu, vous you
il he, it
elle she, it
nous we
ils, elles they

In particular, there are two ways to say “you”, depending on formality. When a French speaker is talking to a single person they are well acquainted with, they would use tu, whereas when addressing a group of people, a stranger, or someone of higher social standing, they would use vous instead. Although a husband and wife would ordinarily use tu with one another, we'll be reserving this less formal pronoun for when the mistress speaks to the maid, with vous being used for the reverse - an approach not dissimilar to that adopted between adults and children, or people and pets. After all, as a mere maid, you must never forget your subordinate position, no matter how intimately acquainted you may be with the woman you serve - use vous to show your respect, and hear tu as your mistress reminding you of your place.

Because all French nouns, even those referring to inanimate objects, have a gender, there is no specific pronoun for “it” - instead, you should use il or elle depending on whether the noun it replaces is masculine or feminine. The same is true for the plural “they”, where ils or elles should be chosen to match. When referring to a group that contains both masculine and feminine members, for example, “the secretary and the boss”, convention dictates that the masculine takes priority, and so ils should be used. Do not let this linguistic chauvinism lead you to believe that men are superior, however - as a sissy, you should do your utmost to make up for it with your submission!

que sont-ils ? - what are they?

You already know how to say that you are a sissy, but to speak about someone else requires more than just a change of pronoun. If you were to hear “He am a maid and he serve his mistress”, the mistakes would be immediately clear - the verbs (doing words such as “am” and “serve”) are incorrectly conjugated, which is another way of saying that they do not match their subjects. In English, many verbs follow regular patterns, such that it is easy to guess how to “feel” if you already know how to “kneel” (“I kneel, I feel. He kneels, he feels”), but some, especially more common ones such as “to be” are irregular, having unique conjugations that you've long ago learned by heart. The same is true in French, with three major patterns that we'll be looking at in later lessons, but unfortunately, “to be” (être) is still irregular. Let's take a look at how to say “is”, “am” or “are” in French.

Je suis une soubrette I am a French maid
Tu es une femmelette You are a sissy
Il est ma bonne He is my maid
Elle est ma maîtresse She is my mistress
Nous sommes maîtresse et bonne We are mistress and maid
Vous êtes la maîtresse de maison You are the lady of the house
Ils sont des maris soumis They are submissive husbands
Elles sont ses amies They are her (female) friends

Strictly speaking, you shouldn't use il est and elle est with nouns like this, but we'll leave a fuller discussion of why until a later lesson. Don't worry about the other words too much for now, either, but focus on learning the pronouns and their corresponding conjugations. Practise using them until they are as familiar as their English equivalents.

exercices pour la troisième leçon - exercises for the third lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Tu es ma bonniche

  2. Vous êtes ma patronne

  3. Nous sommes mari et femme

Say the following in French:

  1. He is a sissy

  2. She is my boss

  3. You are my mistress

In French, say what other people would say about you and your mistress.

leçon 4: à qui est ce soutien-gorge ? - whose bra is this?

Picture the sort of lingerie a chic French woman might wear - a lacy bra, silky panties and sheer stockings. Are you lucky enough to be allowed to wear something similarly sexy, or must you content yourself with more mundane clothing as you complete your chores? Either way, you need to know how to speak of the feminine underpinnings that have such power over you! Fluency in a language comes in no small part from having an extensively vocabulary, and there are few better places to start than with what's in your lingerie drawer.

A bra, a pair of panties and stockings not only make a powerfully emasculating ensemble, but are also a convenient combination as far as learning French is concerned. That's because, between them, the corresponding nouns cover both masculine, feminine and plural, lending themselves to explaining the language just as effectively as they hold a sissy like you helpless! Let's consider the three with their corresponding indefinite articles (“a”, for an unspecified object of that sort, as opposed to the definite article, “the”, for more particular things, which we'll consider shortly):

un soutien-gorge a bra
une culotte (a pair of) panties
des bas stockings

The French word for “panties”, culotte, is, as you might expect, feminine, but unlike in English, it is singular, and so might be more accurately but clumsily translated as “panty”. The French word for “bra”, soutien-gorge (literally “support-throat”), is also singular, but despite referring to a singularly feminine garment, it is a masculine noun. That doesn't mean you should feel any less of a sissy when trapped in a bra's tight straps, however, with the cups on your chest and the band fastened firmly behind your back confirming your submission! Finally, bas (“stocking”) is also masculine, but a single stocking is of little use to anyone, except perhaps as a gag, it being more common to refer to “stockings” in the plural. Unlike in English, a plural noun requires an article - depending on context, des might be translated as “some”, but it cannot be omitted except under certain circumstances you don't need to concern yourself with yet.

A similar pattern may be seen when referring to “the” lingerie:

le soutien-gorge the bra
la culotte the (pair of) panties
les bas the stockings

and also when asserting possession of such womanly garments:

mon soutien-gorge my bra
ma culotte my (pair of) panties
mes bas my stockings

Indeed, the pattern continues no matter whose lingerie it might be:

mon soutien-gorge ma culotte mes bas my
ton soutien-gorge ta culotte tes bas your
son soutien-gorge sa culotte ses bas his, her, its
notre soutien-gorge notre culotte nos bas our
votre soutien-gorge votre culotte vos bas your
leur soutien-gorge leur culotte leurs bas their

In each case, there are different articles or possessive adjectives, with the appropriate one depending on both the gender of the noun that follows and whether it is plural. Note that it doesn't matter whether a bra belongs to a man or a woman - in both cases, it is son soutien-gorge (“his / her bra”).

To complicate things slightly, both le and la contract to l' when preceding a word that begins with a vowel (and words beginning with a silent “h”, such as homme (“man”), which we'll henceforth regard as starting with a vowel when we refer to such). Such words also require a masculine possessive adjective, even if they're feminine. Consider the following examples, and see for yourself how much easier they are to pronounce thanks to the extra rules.

un imperméable a raincoat (masculine)
l'imperméable (not le) the raincoat
mon imperméable my raincoat
une écharpe a scarf (feminine)
l'écharpe (not la) the scarf
mon écharpe (not ma) my scarf

Imagine having only a raincoat and scarf with which to conceal your lingerie! If the raincoat were see-through, you'd have no choice but to show everyone your bra, panties and stockings, perhaps waiting desperately in the rain for your mistress to pick you up. If only you knew more words, so that you could have asked for a more acceptable outfit to go shopping in! Be sure that no-one can find fault with your foundations, even when you're only speaking of them, by paying appropriate attention to articles and possessives.

sous-vêtements féminins - women's underwear

What else might we find in a sissy's lingerie drawer? Modern women might have eschewed old-fashioned foundations for skimpy panties and bras, but that's no excuse for you not to know how to speak of more substantial undergarments.

un porte-jarretelles a garter or suspender belt
une gaine a girdle
une gaine-culotte a panty girdle
une gaine-combinaison a corselette
une guêpière a basque
une nuisette a babydoll nightdress
un corset a corset

Note how some are feminine, but some are masculine, even though all are undeniably womanly. There's no easy pattern, so you'll just have to remember the gender of every new noun that you learn. For simple nouns, you can make the plural by adding an “s” to the end (unless they already end in “s”, as with bas, or end in “x” or “z”, in which case nothing needs doing). Remember to change the article or possessive accordingly!

des culottes (several pairs of) panties
mes corsets my corsets
ses gaines his (or her) girdles

As you'll surely know if you've worn them for any length of time, bras, garter belts and girdles can be rather cumbersome! It may not come as a surprise, therefore, to learn that these garments have irregular plurals:

nos soutiens-gorge our bras
tes porte-jarretelles your garter belts
leurs gaines-culottes their panty girdles
ses gaines-combinaisons his corselettes

If you ever find yourself listening to French women talk about their lingerie, you might hear them shortening soutien-gorge to the rather less formal soutif, in a manner not that dissimilar to how the English word “brassière” is often abbreviated to “bra”. As a maid, however, you should be careful about taking such liberties with language yourself, the prospect of having to wear a particularly punishing soutien-gorge perhaps your fate should you speak of these garments too casually! Certainly don't be tempted to assume that the word brassière implies cups and straps in French - although une brassière de sport is a sports bra, brassière can also mean “vest”, with une brassière de sauvetage (literally “a vest of rescue”) being “a life jacket”, or “life preserver” - hardly the sort of thing you're likely to find alongside the panties when you're shopping for something to support your false breasts!

exercices pour la quatrième leçon - exercises for the fourth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. son imperméable

  2. nos bas

  3. leurs bonnes

  4. les nuisettes

  5. ta gaine-culotte

Say the following in French:

  1. my basque

  2. the corselette

  3. her garter belt

  4. his scarf

  5. your submissive husband

leçon 5: de quelle couleur est ta lingerie ? - what colour is your lingerie?

When it comes to panties, there's a world of difference between simple white cotton and racy black lace, but in order to tell someone which you're wearing without having to lift your skirt, you'll need to know some adjectives - words that modify nouns, such as the “black” in “black bra” or the “submissive” in “submissive maid”. In English, adjectives always go before the noun, but in French, they generally come afterwards, as well as needing to agree with what they're modifying in terms of gender and number. If you're talking about black lingerie, therefore, there are four different ways to say “black”:

un soutien-gorge noir a black bra
des soutiens-gorge noirs black bras
une culotte noire (a pair of) black panties
des culottes noires (several pairs of) black panties

For regular adjectives, the feminine singular form is constructed by adding an “e” to the masculine singular form, with plural forms being made by adding an “s”. Let's see how that pattern works for “tight” (serré) lingerie:

un soutien-gorge serré a tight bra
des soutiens-gorge serrés tight bras
une culotte serrée (a pair of) tight panties
des culottes serrées (several pairs of) tight panties

Unfortunately, like verbs, not all adjectives are regular. Some, such as “white”, have irregular feminine forms, whereas others, including “pink” are the same for both genders. Adjectives composed of more than one word, such as “pastel pink”, are often invariable, that is, they remain the same even for plural nouns. Let's see how such irregular adjectives work in practice:

un soutien-gorge blanc a white bra
des soutiens-gorge blancs white bras
une culotte blanche (a pair of) white panties
des culottes blanches (several pairs of) white panties
un soutien-gorge rose a pink bra
des soutiens-gorge roses pink bras
une culotte rose (a pair of) pink panties
des culottes roses (several pairs of) pink panties
un soutien-gorge rose pastel a pastel pink bra
des soutiens-gorge rose pastel pastel pink bras
une culotte rose pastel (a pair of) pastel pink panties
des culottes rose pastel (several pairs of) pastel pink panties

A good dictionary will indicate how to make an adjective agree by listing the masculine form, followed by any changes necessary to construct the feminine. If you were to look up the words we have used above, you might see the following:

noir(e) black
serré(e) tight
blanc(he) white
rose pink
rose pastel (invariable) pastel pink

Which of the following colours do you have in your lingerie drawer?

rouge red
orange orange
jaune yellow
vert(e) green
bleu(e) blue
violet(te) purple
gris(e) grey
marron (invariable) brown
rose vif (invariable) hot pink
bleu(e) blue
bleu ciel (invariable) sky blue
bleu marine (invariable) navy blue

Practise using these adjectives by picturing a rainbow of lovely lingerie! From purple panty girdles to green garter belts, don't hold yourself back with traditional colours, however restricted you might be by your actual underwear. What might you wear to catch your mistress's eye? And what would you be best to avoid if you didn't want to attract undue attention from other women, assuming you had a choice?

c'est mon soutien-gorge - that's my bra

Knowing that ce is French for “this” or “these”, it's easy to announce that a given garment is yours, so long as you note that, like le, ce contracts when followed by a vowel. You'll surely be familiar with c'est from the quintessential French saying, c'est la vie (“that's life”), but now you can use these words to accept that your life involves lingerie.

C'est mon soutien-gorge rouge That's my red bra
Ce sont vos bas noirs, Madame These are your black stockings, Ma'am

Although you learned il est and elle est in an earlier lesson, you should also use c'est with nouns that refer to a person - for example, c'est ma bonne (“he is my maid”) and c'est ma maîtresse (“she is my mistress”). Conversely, il est and elle est should be used when just an adjective follows, even when that adjective implicitly refers to an inanimate object - for instance, in the case of the red bra that makes Fifi blush a similar colour when he accepts it as his, il est rouge. Of course, if he were saying the same about his matching panties, it would be elle est rouge, but c'est ma culotte rouge should he be pressed to explain exactly what he was talking about. Et tes bas, Fifi ? Elles sont noirs, Madame !

Suppose you want to inform someone else that the black stockings you're washing belong to your mistress - perhaps the neighbour who's curious about what you're hanging out to dry! In English, you might indicate possession by adding an apostrophe followed by an “s”, and so you might refer to “my mistress's black stockings”. French has no such shortcut, however, and so it's necessary to speak of “the black stockings of my mistress”. To do this, we use the preposition (relating word) de, which has many meanings, but in this context means “of”.

les bas noirs de ma maîtresse my mistress's black stockings
le corset serré de son mari her husband's tight corset
la culotte rose de la femmelette the sissy's pink panties

When followed by le, de contracts so the two words become du (rather than de le), and when followed by les, they become des (rather de les). Finally, when followed by a word that starts with a vowel, it contracts to just d', similar to how le became l' with nouns. So if you wanted to untangle who owned a bundle of bras, you might say:

le soutien-gorge du mari the husband's bra
le soutien-gorge de la bonne the maid's bra
les soutiens-gorge des femmes the women's bras

Now you're in a position to announce your status even more clearly!

Je suis la bonne de ma femme I am my wife's maid
Je suis le secrétaire de ma patronne I am my boss's secretary
Je suis le mari soumis d'Emily I am Emily's submissive husband

exercices pour la cinquième leçon - exercises for the fifth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. votre porte-jarretelles blanc

  2. mon soutien-gorge gris

  3. la guêpière noire de son mari

  4. C'est la nuisette rose pastel de ma copine

  5. Je suis la soubrette de ma maîtresse

Say the following in French:

  1. my white panties (plural)

  2. her purple panty girdle

  3. his girlfriend's red stockings

  4. These are my wife's blue bras

  5. I am the women's chambermaid

leçon 6: tout le monde porte des soutiens-gorge ! - everyone wears bras!

Women wear bras and sissies wear bras, mistresses wear bras and maids wear bras, secretaries wear bras and their female bosses wear bras too - wherever you look, there are bras being worn! It's not enough for you to know how to speak of the many eye-catching colours they come in, nor to say to whom these wonderfully womanly garments belong - as a sissy, you also must be able to assert that you wear a bra yourself, and to do that, you'll need to know about verbs. We've already seen how to conjugate one of the most common ones, être (“to be”), seeing how it changes depending on its subject, but être is perhaps not the best example to begin with - as a particularly irregular verb, its various forms may appear to have no pattern, instead having to be memorised. You have memorised them, haven't you?

Every verb has what is known as its infinitive form, a base from which the others may be constructed. In English, “to wear” is the infinitive form, from which “I wear, he wears, she is wearing, they wore, we love to wear, you should have worn” and the like are easily made - so easily, in fact, that you do so without thinking every time you speak, automatically choosing the correct ending. Moreover, once you've mastered the pattern for “wearing”, you can speak of “tearing” and “swearing” with ease (not that the latter is appropriate behaviour for a maid, nor should you allow the former to happen to your stockings!) and similarly with the various other patterns to be found throughout the language.

If the complicated “is, am, are” of “to be” is an exception in English, then the various forms of être in French are even more of a special case - indeed, most French verbs fall into one of three groups, each of which shares a common pattern, categorised by the last two letters of their infinitive form. Thus, there are -er verbs such as porter (“to wear”), -ir verbs such as choisir (“to choose”), and -re verbs such as attendre (“to wait” or “to wait for”). Of these, by far the largest group is the first, such that it's easy to speak of liking (aimer) bras, washing (laver) bras, looking at (regarder) bras, and even padding (rembourrer) bras, merely by learning the corresponding infinitives and how to conjugate any one of them. Let's take a look at how that works with porter (“to wear”):

Je porte des soutiens-gorge I wear bras
Tu portes des soutiens-gorge You wear bras
Il porte des soutiens-gorge He wears bras
Elle porte des soutiens-gorge She wears bras
Nous portons des soutiens-gorge We wear bras
Vous portez des soutiens-gorge You wear bras
Ils portent des soutiens-gorge They wear bras
Elles portent des soutiens-gorge They wear bras

In each case, the start is the same, with only the endings changing. An identical pattern can be seen with laver (“to wash”), even though the corresponding English conjugations are slightly different:

Je lave des soutiens-gorge I wash bras
Tu laves des soutiens-gorge You wash bras
Il lave des soutiens-gorge He washes bras
Elle lave des soutiens-gorge She washes bras
Nous lavons des soutiens-gorge We wash bras
Vous lavez des soutiens-gorge You wash bras
Ils lavent des soutiens-gorge They wash bras
Elles lavent des soutiens-gorge They wash bras

One can conjugate any regular -er verb by removing the infinitive ending, -er, to leave what is called the stem (port and lav, respectively), then adding a new ending corresponding to the subject. For je, il or elle, that's always -e; for tu, it's -es; for nous, it's -ons; for vous, it's -ez; and finally, for ils or elles, it's always -ent. By memorising only five different endings, plus learning the simple rule to construct the stem, you're able to use the vast majority of French verbs - at least, in the present tense. If only English were so straightforward!

Je rembourre mes soutiens-gorge I pad my bras
Tu aimes tes soutiens-gorge You like your bras
Elles regardent son soutien-gorge They look at his bra

When je is followed by a verb that starts with a vowel, it contracts to j'. Moreover, in the following example, les is used rather than des, to indicate that the speaker loves bras in general, as opposed to an unspecified number of them - something that couldn't be the case with wearing, washing, looking or padding, however helplessly in thrall you might be to them! You like bras - the bras, your bras, your mistress's bras, women's bras, bras in the shop, bras beneath blouses, all making you helplessly weak.

J'aime les soutiens-gorge ! I like bras!

That's also the case when speaking of women in general:

Les femmes portent des soutiens-gorge Women wear bras

In English, there's more than one present tense, with “I wear a bra” (the simple present) and “I am wearing a bra” (the present progressive) having slightly different meanings. There is no such distinction in French, with the present indicative (le présent de l'indicatif) being used for both. Context often makes the meaning clear, although it is possible to translate many of the previous sentences in either of the English tenses. For example:

Je porte un soutien-gorge I wear a bra
I'm wearing a bra
Il lave ses soutiens-gorge He washes his bras
He is washing his bras

Consider how the same words can be affected by what precedes them:

En ce moment, je porte un soutien-gorge noir Right now, I'm wearing a black bra
Parfois, je porte un soutien-gorge noir Sometimes, I wear a black bra

The infinitive (“to”) form can be used in the same way as you would in English, although it too can be translated in two similar, but slightly different ways:

J'aime porter un soutien-gorge I like to wear a bra
I like wearing a bra

There are lots of -er verbs that can apply to your bras, your mistress's bras, or indeed, any other bras you care to imagine! What sentences can you make with them? Describe your own experiences with these most unmanly garments, then turn your newfound knowledge to all the other lingerie you might wear to show your submission to your mistress.

aimer to like
adorer to love
agrafer to fasten
chercher to look for
dégrafer to unfasten
laver to wash
porter to wear
regarder to look at
rembourrer to pad

exercices pour la sixième leçon - exercises for the sixth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Elle dégrafe sa gaine

  2. Il cherche la culotte de sa femme

  3. Les secrétaires rembourrent leurs soutiens-gorge

  4. Tu adores ton corset serré

  5. Ils aiment porter des gaines-combinaisons

Say the following in French:

  1. He is looking for a black bra

  2. She likes to fasten his panty girdle

  3. The maid washes his mistress's stockings

  4. The submissive husbands look at their panties

  5. Sissies love wearing women's underwear

leçon 7: que portes-tu d'autre ? - what else are you wearing?

Unless you've been very bad (or very good!), you won't find yourself wearing only a bra and panties very often. Let's take a little break from grammar to look at the other garments with which you might amuse your mistress. Which of the following do you like to wear? Be sure to say J'aime porter for each!

l'uniforme d'une bonne - a maid's uniform

une robe a dress
un tablier an apron
un jupon a petticoat
une coiffe a headdress
un collier a collar or choker
des gants gloves (un gant)
des escarpins vernis patent leather pumps (un escarpin) (literally “varnish pumps”)

la tenue d'une secrétaire - a secretary's outfit

un chemisier ajusté a fitted blouse
une jupe droite a pencil skirt (literally “straight skirt”)
une jupe entravée a hobble skirt (literally “hindrance skirt”)
des talons aiguilles stiletto heels (un talon)

le costume d'écolière - a schoolgirl costume

un haut marin a sailor top
une cravate d'école a school tie
une jupe plissée a pleated skirt
des chaussettes longues knee socks (une chaussette)
des chaussures plates flat shoes (une chaussure)

les vêtements d'une bimbo - a bimbo's clothes

un haut à bretelles a strappy top (literally “top with straps”)
un petit top a croptop (literally “small top”)
une mini-robe a mini-dress
une robe fourreau a sheath dress
une jupette a mini-skirt
des cuissardes thigh high boots (une cuissarde)

des gaines robustes et des soutiens-gorge inconfortables - sturdy girdles and uncomfortable bras

In many of the above examples, there's both a noun and an adjective. Knowing that the latter usually comes after the former in French, you should be able to deduce the individual words - un chemisier, for instance, is “a blouse”, whereas ajusté(e) means “close-fitting”. Note how, again, French genders are not necessarily logical - chemisier (“blouse”) is masculine, whereas the similarly sounding chemise doesn't refer to the woman's garment it does in English, but actually means “shirt” - yet is feminine all the same. Which should a sissy secretary wear to best show off a black bra beneath?

Here are some more adjectives that you can use to describe clothing:

étroit(e) tight
lâche loose
moulant(e) figure-hugging
ajusté(e) close-fitting, fitted
robuste sturdy
encombrant(e) cumbersome
inconfortable uncomfortable
coquin(e) naughty
sensuel(le) sensual
traditionnel(le) traditional
élégant(e) elegant
décolleté(e) low-cut
court(e) short
lourd(e) heavy
fin(e) sheer, thin
transparent(e) see-through
soyeux, soyeuse silky

With these new words, it's easy to speak of all manner of emasculating outfits!

La bonne porte une gaine robuste et un soutien-gorge encombrant The maid wears a sturdy girdle and a cumbersome bra
Le secrétaire porte un chemisier blanc étroit et une jupe courte noire The secretary wears a tight white blouse and a short black skirt
La femmelette porte une jupette rose vif et un petit top décolleté The sissy wears a bright pink miniskirt and a low-cut croptop

de quoi est-ce fait, et avec quoi est-ce décoré ? - what is it made of, and with what is it decorated?

Ready for a little more grammar? Of course you are! There are two little words that let you describe your clothes in even more detail. en is another preposition (relating word) that has many meanings in French, but means “made of” when followed by the name of a material - you might also translate it as the similar sounding “in”. Similarly, à often means “to”, but in the context of clothing that makes men weak and helpless, it can mean “with”.

en dentelle lace
en satin satin
en soie silk
en coton cotton
en cuir leather
à froufrous frilly (literally “with a rustling sound”)
à pois polka-dot (literally “with dots”)
à volants with ruffles

Little details such as lace or ruffles can make all the difference between a humdrum dress and something deliciously sissy, so be sure to use these words when describing the clothes you like to wear! There's no need to worry about making genders or plurals agree with any of these, simply add them after the nouns they apply to, just as you would with more familiar adjectives.

It's too soon to breathe a sigh of relief, however, because we're not going to end this lesson that easily! You learned earlier how ce can be used to mean “this” or “these”, but our earlier examples were constrained by it needing to be followed by a form of être - in both c'est (“this is”) and ce sont (“these are”), ce serves as a pronoun, like “it”. If you want to speak of “this bra” or “these stockings”, you'll need to use ce as an adjective instead, which requires it to agree with whatever noun follows. In short, that means ce becomes cette for feminine nouns, ces for plural nouns, and cet when the noun starts with a vowel. For example:

Ce porte-jarretelles soyeux est orné avec des rubans et des nœuds This silky garter belt is adorned with ribbons (un ruban) and bows (un nœud)
Cette culotte rose est pleine de volants en satin These pink panties have lots (plein(e)) of satin ruffles (un volant)
Ces bas sont blancs et en dentelle These stockings are white and lacy
Cet homme porte un soutien-gorge noir sous une chemise fine ! That man is wearing a black bra under a thin shirt!

How many of those unfamiliar words could you make sense of from their context? In subsequent lessons, we'll be introducing new vocabulary in the examples as well, so make an effort to see how the French corresponds with the English.

exercices pour la septième leçon - exercises for the seventh lesson

Translate the following:

  1. un tablier en satin blanc à froufrous

  2. une jupe entravée et un chemisier étroit en soie

  3. Son mari soumis aime porter un collier en cuir

  4. La jupe plissée de la femmelette est bleu ciel et il porte un haut marin en coton blanc

  5. Cette mini-robe rouge est sensuelle et coquine

Say the following in French:

  1. an uncomfortable bra and a figure-hugging panty girdle

  2. black thigh-high boots and silky stockings

  3. She looks at her husband's pink satin panties

  4. The maids wear dresses with ruffles

  5. These lacy bras are naughty