en français, Fifi!

leçons 29 à 35 - lessons 29 to 35

en français, Fifi! is a course in basic French for the submissive crossdresser. It is intended to give the student an understanding of the language sufficient to permit him to perform the functions of a maid or secretary without any need to resort to English. Putting a solid emphasis on grammar, this textbook for sissies teaches all the vocabulary that a feminized servant or subordinate should know, using exaggerated examples that will prove as memorable as they are provocative. The would-be speaker will find himself immersed in a world where men wear bras and chastity belts as they seek to please their female superiors with selfless submission, forever fearing shameful punishment.

en français, Fifi! features themes of lingerie discipline, male chastity and men as maids. It should go without saying that, like everything else at brassièred, it is intended for adults only.

leçon 29: décrire le goût - describe the taste

In previous lessons, you've learned the patterns for various groups of -re verbs, such that you should be able to conjugate connaître and mettre as easily as attendre and dire. If you had to inform your mistress's friends that she was reading (lire), for instance, or were required to describe your own reading matter, you'd know which set of endings to use, wouldn't you? If you don't, you need to go back and practise - indeed, even if you do, you should practise until the patterns come automatically, because you don't want to have to stop and think about how a verb ends when you're midway through a sentence. How tiresome that would be for whoever is listening, especially if they're as important as your mistress's guests!

Ma maîtresse lit son livre dans le jardin, Madame My mistress is reading her book in the garden, Ma'am
Les femmelettes bonnes lisent les manuels de français Good sissies read French textbooks (un manuel)

Even when you can instinctively conjugate the likes of instruire (“to instruct”, -uire), ceindre (“to don”, “to gird”, with respect to an item of clothing, -indre) and compromettre (“to compromise”, -mettre), you're still not out of the woods. Suppose you were being interviewed for a secretarial position, and your potential boss asked you to say what you could do? You wouldn't get very far if you couldn't confirm that you were able to take the minutes (prendre les notes) or transcribe dictation (transcrire des dictées), each requiring you to conjugate yet another irregular -re verb. It's unlikely that you'd be hired on your ability to make the coffee, if you couldn't even ask your female superiors what they wanted to drink (boire)!

elle le prend au sérieux - she takes it seriously

When you are mistaken (se méprendre), it's important that you learn (apprendre) so that you understand (comprendre) things better. Perhaps you'll surprise (surprendre) your mistress with your improvement! In each case, you'll need to know the same set of endings, it not being difficult to see how all are based on prendre (“to take”) - a verb which, like its English equivalent, occurs in many idioms.

Je prends les sacs pour ma maîtresse et ses amies I take the bags for my mistress and her friends
Tu prends le bus, puis marches jusqu'au salon de beauté You take the bus, then walk (marcher, -er) to the beauty salon
Il prend un parapluie pour sa femme He takes an umbrella for his wife
Elle prend un imperméable, au cas où She takes a raincoat, just in case
Nous prenons beaucoup de photos de sa nouvelle tenue We take plenty of pictures (une photo) of his new outfit
Vous prenez tous mes vêtements donc je dois travailler nu You take all my clothes so I must work naked (nu(e))
Ils prennent trop longtemps à décider They take too long to decide
Elles prennent leur temps dans la boutique They take their time in the shop

For forming l'imparfait, the stem that you'll need is pren-, whereas for le passé composé, the past participle is pris. Back in the office:

Le secrétaire prenait les notes The secretary was taking the minutes
Sa patronne a pris goût à lui donner une fessée sur son bureau His boss took a liking to (prendre goût à, literally “takes taste to”) spanking him over her desk

You shouldn't have too much difficulty applying this pattern to the other verbs:

La secrétaire paresseux a appris sa leçon quand sa patronne l'a soudainement surpris The lazy secretary learned his lesson when his boss suddenly surprised him
Oui, Madame, je comprends complètement. Je me méprenais Yes, Ma'am, I completely understand. I was mistaken
Elle a pris sa discipline au sérieux et a pris rendez-vous pour une punition appropriée She took his discipline seriously (au sérieux) and made an appointment (prendre rendez-vous) for a proper (approprié(e)) punishment
Il ne prend plus de risques. Au lieu de cela, il prend soin de lui plaire He no longer takes chances (un risque). Instead, he takes care (prendre soin) to please her

Idioms can't always be translated word for word. Although in English, it's possible to speak of taking chances (not that you would ever want to emulate our repentant secretary), it would sound slightly strange to say that you had taken an appointment - regardless of whether or not that appointment saw you bent over your boss's desk for discipline! Conversely, while you might sometimes feel your superior takes you for granted, you wouldn't want to say elle me prend pour acquis, especially not within her earshot - the correct verb in this case is tenir (“to hold”, “to keep”), which you'll learn in the next lesson.

La femme d'affaires tient l'obéissance du secrétaire pour acquise The businesswoman takes the secretary's obedience (sa obéissance) for granted (pour acquis(e))

écrire les lignes - writing lines

Sometimes, it's not enough simply to work for a woman, slaving away out of sight being the bare minimum that's expected of both maids and secretaries. You might need to describe (décrire) what you're doing, so that your mistress can be sure you understand your duties, or else write (écrire) what she says down - perhaps a long list of chores to keep you occupied in her absence, or punishment lines to remind you of the importance of pleasing her. In the office, you might be employed to transcribe (transcrire) dictation, having to note each and every word your superior says if you're not subsequently to end up explaining yourself. All these verbs end in -crire, and so all follow the following pattern:

J'écris une liste de courses pour la semaine à venir I write a shopping list for the week ahead (literally “the week to come”)
Tu écris mille lignes chaque fois que tu déplais ta maîtresse You write a thousand lines each time you displease your mistress
Il écrit l'heure de la réunion dans son agenda He writes the time of the meeting in his (appointment) diary
Elle écrit dans son journal She writes in her (personal) diary
Nous écrivons une bonne critique de la ceinture de chasteté We write a good review of the chastity belt
Vous écrivez les détails de la punition dans ton petit livre noir You write the details of the punishment in your little black book
Ils écrivent leur nom à l'intérieur de leur tablier They write their names on the inside of their aprons
Elles écrivent un contrat d'emploi pour le nouveau secrétaire They write a contract of employment for the new secretary

This time, for forming l'imparfait, the stem that you'll need ends with criv-, whereas for le passé composé, the past participle ends with crit:

La bonne a décrit sa routine de nettoyage aux amies de sa femme The maid described his cleaning routine to his wife's friends
Le secrétaire transcrivait des dictées près du bureau de sa patronne The secretary was transcribing dictation by his boss's desk

les femmes boivent, les hommes soumis sucent et avalent - women drink, submissive men suck and swallow

As a maid, it's inappropriate to expect to drink with your mistress, regardless of whether she prefers to sit back and relax with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Perhaps there are other things that you have to gulp down, if not endure for longer in your mouth, but don't be tempted to try and take the taste away afterwards with too much water if you're not permitted to use the toilet! You wouldn't want to have a shameful accident because you've drunk more than you should, it being better to sweat it away through hard work before it fills your bladder! To speak of any sort of drinking, you'll need to know how to conjugate boire - a verb that's so irregular as to be one of a kind. Study the following examples:

Je bois moins quand je porte une gaine-culotte I drink less when I am wearing a panty girdle
Tu bois un autre verre d'eau comme punition You drink another glass of water as a punishment
Il boit tellement qu'il mouille sa culotte He drinks so much that he wets his panties
Elle boit le café que son secrétaire a fait She drinks the coffee that her secretary made
Nous buvons à ton succès avec ton nouvel emploi We drink to your success with your new job
Vous buvez avec vos amies pendant que je frotte le plancher You drink with your friends while I scrub the floor
Ils boivent trop et ont souvent la gueule de bois They drink too much and often have hangovers
Elles boivent du vin pendant qu'elles discutent They drink wine while they chat

With boire, for forming l'imparfait, the stem that you'll need is buv-, whereas for le passé composé, the past participle is bu:

La femmelette ne buvait rien parce qu'il avait peur de mouiller sa culotte The sissy didn't drink anything because he was afraid of wetting his panties
Je dois vraiment aller aux toilettes, Madame, j'ai trop bu ! I really need to go to the toilet, Ma'am, I've drunk too much!

Of course, drinking isn't the only thing you can do with your mouth. Quite apart from eating (manger, -ger), you should already know how to suck (sucer, -cer), whereas conjugating the following should be no trouble either:

avaler (-er) to swallow
recracher (-er) to spit out
embrasser (-er) to kiss
lécher (-é_er) to lick
goûter (-er) to taste
bâillonner (-er) to gag (as in “to be gagged”)
savonner (-er) to soap

Consider how verbs and nouns are related in the following sentences:

Elle savonne la bouche de sa bonne avec savon à main She soaps her maid's mouth with hand soap
Puis, sa maîtresse le bâillonne avec un bâillon-gode Then his mistress gags him with a dildo gag
Le bâillon a le goût du savon, mais la bonne doit le sucer The gag tastes of soap (literally “has the taste of soap”), but the maid must suck it

That's one maid who will be watching his mouth much more carefully in future!

exercices pour la vingt-neuvième leçon - exercises for the twenty ninth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Je comprends ce que je dois faire parce que j'ai appris ce que je dois faire

  2. Les maîtresses boivent du vin mais les bonnes ne boivent que de l'eau

  3. La bonne goûte le savon quand il embrasse la lavette

  4. Elle prend une demi-heure pour s'habiller et faire son maquillage pour la fête

  5. Le mari soumis doit écrire ses lignes après que sa femme le bâillonne

Say the following in French:

  1. When I describe my underwear to the women, they laugh

  2. His mistress took pictures before and after his punishment

  3. A good (male) secretary understands his boss when he transcribes dictation

  4. I always swallow my sperm, I never spit it out, because I love the taste!

  5. He writes the line “I love to kiss, I love to lick, I love to suck” a hundred times

leçon 30: tenir à devenir une bonne bonne - anxious to be a good maid

Does your mistress take your efforts for granted? It's presumptuous for a mere maid to expect constant praise, it being better to be ignored than to require the woman you work for to have to keep an eye on you. Perhaps you have promised her that you'll behave after a previous punishment, a promise that you'll need to keep if you're not to suffer similar again! Either way, you should be keen to complete your chores, it being a privilege to please your superior.

In the previous lesson, you learned that “take for granted” in French requires tenir, not prendre, but that's just one of many idioms that use this irregular verb - if you were translating the above paragraph, you'd need to conjugate it several times. Moreover, the same pattern applies to various other verbs. Whether you want to speak of someone coming (venir), coming back (revenir) or coming from (provenir), you'll need the same endings - as you will when announcing that you belong (appartenir) to your mistress, or that your bra supports (soutenir, hence soutien-gorge) your breasts. So too if you want to speak of getting (obtenir) something for your superior, abstaining (s'abstenir) from selfish pleasures so you can serve her better, or even becoming (devenir) her full-time maid. Whatever you're doing, your garter belt, girdle or corset had better keep your stockings in place (maintenir en place), its straps holding up (retenir, “to retain”) their tops around your thighs, where they belong.

When used unidiomatically, tenir means “to hold” or “to keep”. To use it, and other verbs ending in -enir, in the present tense, drop the -enir, and add one of the endings used in the following examples. Note how the conjugations vary between tien- and ten-, and consider how that affects their pronunciation:

Je tiens les sacs de ma femme I hold my wife's bags
Tu tiens le bon bout You're on the right track (literally “hold the right end”)
Il tient à faire plaisir à sa maîtresse He is keen to please his mistress (literally “he holds to do pleasure to his mistress”)
Elle tient sa bonne à l'œil She keeps an eye (un œil, des yeux) on her maid (literally “hold at the eye”)
Nous tenons nos promesses We keep our promises (une promesse)
Vous tenez la clé, Madame You hold the key, Ma'am
Ils tiennent à ne pas décevoir leur patronne They are anxious not to disappoint their boss
Elles tiennent le secrétaire responsable des erreurs They hold the secretary responsible for the mistakes

To form l'imparfait, the stem that you'll need is ten- (drop the -ir), whereas for le passé composé, the past participle is tenu (take the stem and add -u):

La bonne tenait à finir le nettoyage The maid was keen to finish the cleaning
L'homme a tenu sa promesse et portait un soutien-gorge au travail The man kept his promise and wore a bra at work

When followed by an infinitive, tenir à means “to be keen or anxious to do something”, a state of mind you should cultivate for all your chores. There is also a reflexive form of tenir, se tenir, which means “to stand” by itself, but “to behave” when an adverb such as bien or mal is used. Be careful with the conjugation of these - although the present tense is il se tient bien, the passé composé requires the adverb between the two parts:

Sa maîtresse le punit parce qu'il s'est mal tenu His mistress punishes him because he has behaved badly
Sa maîtresse ne le punit pas parce qu'il s'est bien tenu His mistress does not punish him because he has behaved well

Needless to say, only one is acceptable for a maid, with the other sure to result in punishment! Which will it be for you? Tu tiens à faire plaisir à ta maîtresse ? You'll need to understand more than tenir if you're to remain on the right track, so study the following examples until you understand how things work for similar verbs:

Je viens toujours immédiatement quand ma maîtresse m'appelle I always come immediately when my mistress calls me
Elle est revenue à la cuisine pour la trouver impeccablement propre She comes back to the kitchen to find (trouver, -er) it spotlessly clean
Tous ses soutiens-gorge proviennent de la même petite boutique de lingerie All his bras come from the same (même) little lingerie shop
Il s'abstient de se masturber sous la menace de porter une ceinture de chasteté He abstains from masturbating (se masturber, -er) under the threat of wearing a chastity belt
Les jarretières du corset de la bonne maintiennent ses bas en place The garters (une jarretière) of the maid's corset keep his stockings in place
Les hommes deviennent très soumis quand ils portent des soutiens-gorge Men become very submissive when they wear bras
La ceinture et la clé appartiennent à sa femme The belt and the key belong to his wife

la maîtresse sort, mais la bonne reste et sert - the mistress goes out, but the maid stays and serves

There's more than one way to come, as you'll have noticed if you were paying appropriate attention to the previous examples. When a secretary comes to his boss's office for the first time, perhaps having no notion of what she might want, venir is appropriate, but when he comes back with the coffee she requested, revenir is the right verb to use. If the man in question is coming home after a hard day's work, however, the regular -er verb rentrer (“to come home”, “to go home”) would be more suitable. In no case should provenir be used to describe his movements, unless you're describing which secretarial school he studied at, that being reserved for matters of origin.

What about when he leaves? If he's leaving his boss's office, you would use quitter (“to leave”, -er), regardless of whether he's hurriedly scurrying to fetch what she wants or doing so with his tail between his legs after being disciplined. In English, “quit” carries unfortunate connotations, but in French, a male secretary could just as easily quitte son bureau pour faire le café de sa patronne as he could quitte son emploi pour devenir une bonne.

If you're talking about someone leaving for somewhere, you would use partir instead, an irregular verb that also means “to leave”, but is never followed by a direct object - instead, any destination should be indicated with a preposition such as pour or à. It shares a set of endings with sortir (“to go out”), where de is required should you wish to say where is being left. Of course, both can be used without anything more, just as in English you might say “His wife goes out, but he must stay in and clean”, whereas other prepositions can affect the meaning. Let's look at how sortir is conjugated:

Je sors les culottes du lave-linge I take the panties out of the washing machine
Tu sors les ordures en portant ton tablier You take out the rubbish wearing (using the present participle of porter, see lesson 32) your apron
Il sort de la voiture au bout de la rue He gets out of the car at the end of the street
Elle sort avec ses amies She goes out with her friends
Nous sortons maintenant, Fifi. Ne travaille pas trop dur ! We're going out now, Fifi. Don't work too hard! (dur(e))
Vous sortez ce soir, Madame ? Are you going out tonight, Ma'am?
Ils sortent du magasin avec beaucoup de sacs They come out of the shop with many bags
Elles sortent pour une soirée en ville They go out for an evening on the town

The imperfect stem and past participle are sort- and sorti respectively.

Il sortait quand elle l'a arrêté pour vérifier sa culotte He was going out when she stopped him to check (vérifier, -er) his panties
Elle est sortie, mais il est resté et a nettoyé She went out, but he stayed in and cleaned

Note that venir, devenir, revenir, partir, sortir and rentrer require être when forming le passé composé, and their past participles must agree with the subject. It is therefore necessary to say Elles sont revenues to describe your mistress and her friends returning to check up on your progress. Another verb that requires être in this way is rester (“to stay”, -er), which you would use to describe how you remained where they left you. If you want to speak of them leaving you behind, however, you would use laisser (-er), which uses avoir instead:

Sa maîtresse l'a laissé enfermé dans le placard His mistress left him locked (enfermer, -er) in the cupboard
La bonne est restée dans le placard jusqu'au lendemain matin The maid stayed in the cupboard until the next morning

What might a maid have done to warrant such a punishment? Perhaps he has lied to his mistress (mentir), which follows the same pattern as partir and sortir, or perhaps she has caught him sleeping (dormir) on the bed he should have been making! The latter has a very similar set of conjugations, with dorm- replacing sort-, except in the third person singular:

Je dors, elles dorment, mais ma bonne ne dort pas tant qu'il y a des corvées inachevées I sleep, they sleep, but my maid does not sleep as long as there are unfinished (inachevé(e)) chores

A far more important verb for a maid to know, however, is servir (“to serve”), which covers a similar range of meanings to its English equivalent. You can serve your mistress, serve dinner and serve as an example for other sissies - indeed, you can do them all at the same time, waiting upon the woman you work for without care for your own desires as she enjoys her meal. That is what it means to be a maid, with every maid expected to serve his mistress:

Je sers ma maîtresse I serve my mistress
Tu sers ta maîtresse You serve your mistress
Il sert sa maîtresse He serves his mistress
Nous servons nos maîtresses We serve our mistresses
Vous servez vos maîtresses You serve your mistresses
Ils servent leurs maîtresses They serve their mistresses

How much happier a picture this is than spending a long, lonely night in the cupboard!

La bonne a servi le dîner à les invitées The maid served dinner to the guests (un(e) invité(e))
Il servait en uniforme à froufrous He was serving in a frilly uniform

exercices pour la trentième leçon - exercises for the thirtieth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. La bonne paresseuse a laissé les culottes de sa maîtresse dans l'évier

  2. Elle lui fait les tenir pendant une heure comme punition

  3. Un bon secrétaire ne ment jamais à sa patronne. Il ne dort jamais au travail, non plus

  4. Il part au travail en portant une gaine et des bas sous son costume

  5. Elle ne sort pas, mais tient un œil sur son mari

Say the following in French:

  1. Women's bras support their breasts

  2. I hold up my fishnet stockings with a lacy garter belt

  3. I am always keen to wear my apron

  4. He comes back with several new bras

  5. The maid was taking out the rubbish when his mistress went out

leçon 31: tu souffres ta punition - you suffer your punishment

You don't want to drop anything when doing the dishes, no matter how slippery the soapy water might make your hands! In French, there can be no question of who's to blame when one of the plates crashes to the floor, with “to drop” being translated as laisser tomber - literally, “to let fall”, with tomber (“to fall”, -er) being another verb of movement that requires être for le passé composé. If you chip (ébrécher, -é_er) something, let alone break (casser, -er) it, you won't be able to offer (offrir) it to your mistress, instead having to suffer a punishment (souffrir, also meaning “to endure” or “to tolerate”). Don't try to hide (cacher, -er) the broken pieces, because she'll soon discover (découvrir) what you've done!

Verbs that end in -frir or -vrir don't conjugate like other -ir verbs, but follow the same rules as -er verbs, except that the past participle replaces the -ir of the infinitive with a -t. That means you have no reason not to confess to your crime, except by avoiding such carelessness to begin with!

La bonne maladroite laisse tomber une assiette. Elle se casse ! The clumsy maid drops a plate. It breaks!
Sa maîtresse vient et découvre le désordre. La bonne souffre une punition douloureuse ! His mistress comes and discovers the mess. The maid suffers a painful punishment!
Il a souffert plus parce qu'il a essayé de cacher son erreur He suffered more because he tried to hide his mistake

Note how the reflexive form of casser is used to describe the plate, even though it did not break itself. Rather, it is the maid who is responsible, and so the maid who suffers when his mistress comes to see what caused the sound.

voient-elles ta culotte ? - do they see your panties?

A broken plate is just one of many things you don't want anyone to see. Your inevitable punishment for such carelessness is another, even though you may have little choice but endure whatever discipline your mistress decides in front of her friends. Perhaps she'll take away your dress and apron, leaving your lingerie on display for all to see as you desperately try to demonstrate that you can do better! How humiliating it would be to have to work in only your panties, stockings and bra, unable to hide your shame as everyone stares! Even underneath everyday clothing, you're surely aware of how easily people could see the tell-tale signs of such unmanly underwear, it only taking the slightest slip for them to know what you're wearing. “You'll never guess what I just saw”, they might say. “See for yourself if you don't believe me!”.

In French, “to see” is voir, another irregular verb. See how it conjugates:

Je vois ma femme se déshabiller I see my wife undressing
Tu vois ma nouvelle brosse à cheveux, Fifi ? Elle est très robuste ! You see my new hairbrush, Fifi? It is very sturdy!
Il voit que sa patronne est occupée et ne la dérange pas He sees that his boss is busy and does not disturb her
Elle voit les bretelles de son soutien-gorge à travers sa chemise She sees his bra straps through his shirt
Nous voyons la vendeuse et l'appelons We see the saleswoman and call to her
Vous voyez que j'ai fini, et donc vous me donnez plus de travail You see that I have finished, and so you give me more work
Ils voient la lingerie de l'autre They see each other's lingerie
Elles voient l'homme acheter cinq gaines-culottes et rient They see the man buying five panty girdles and laugh

The past participle of voir is vu, and the imperfect stem is voy-:

Elle a vu la bonne à la fenêtre She saw the maid at the window
Elles voyaient sa culotte chaque fois qu'il se penchait They saw his panties each time he bent over (se pencher, -er)

As with “to see” in English, voir can be used both literally and figuratively. Similarly, the reflexive form se voir can be used either to say that one literally sees oneself (as a maid might when polishing a mirror), or that one finds oneself in a certain position - perhaps having to wear a tight punishment corset while polishing the silvered glass! When voir is combined with faire, it means “to show” (faire voir is literally “to make see”):

La bonne se voit dans le miroir. Il a l'air ridicule The maid sees himself in the mirror. He looks ridiculous (literally “has a ridiculous look”)
Il se voit obliger de porter un corset de punition serré He finds himself having to wear a tight punishment corset
Elle lui fait voir qu'il est une femmelette She shows him that he is a sissy

Of course, you can also use montrer (“to show”, -er) and se trouver à (“to find oneself”, -er) to say such things, but then you wouldn't be able to practise using voir. Moreover, the way a maid should show his mistress something is very different to the reverse, it hardly being appropriate for a servant to “make” his superior see anything! Nevertheless, you'll want to show your fluency with this irregular verb, so practise until you find yourself in a position to use voir and its derivatives without any difficulty!

je ne déçois jamais ma maîtresse - I never disappoint my mistress

Although you might hope that other verbs ending in -voir might follow a similar pattern, your knowledge of avoir, devoir and savoir should tell you that's not the case. Life's never that simple for a sissy! Two verbs that share a different set of endings are recevoir and décevoir. If you were asked to guess their meanings, you might consider similar sounding English words, with recevoir indeed meaning “to receive” or “to get” - a verb that could equally well be used to describe a parcel or a punishment! Décevoir, on the other hand, is not “to deceive” (for which tromper, -er would be required), but rather “to disappoint” - an equally heinous crime for a maid who must always please his mistress! Let's look at how these two are conjugated:

Je reçois ma punition sans me plaindre I receive my punishment without complaining
Tu reçois une lettre de l'agence de secrétariat You receive a letter from the secretarial agency
Il reçoit une bonne fessée de sa femme He receives a good spanking from his wife
Elle reçoit ses amies à dîner She has her friends over for dinner
Nous recevons un colis contenant ta nouvelle ceinture de chasteté We receive a parcel containing (contenir, -tenir, present participle) your new chastity belt
Vous recevez mes excuses avant de décider ma punition You receive my apology before deciding my punishment
Ils reçoivent une sévère réprimande de leur patronne They receive a severe scolding from their boss
Elles reçoivent des plaintes au comportement de leur secrétaire They receive complaints about their secretary's behaviour

The past participle of recevoir is reçu, and the imperfect stem is recev-:

Elle a reçu un appel téléphonique de la patronne de son mari She received a phone call from her husband's boss
Il recevait sa deuxième fessée cette semaine-là He was receiving his second spanking that week

How might the male secretary have disappointed (déçu) his boss and his wife to warrant such a punishment? Make sure you don't suffer similarly by vowing je ne déçois jamais ma maîtresse !

les bonnes ne s'asseyent pas - maids do not sit down

It's hard to sit down when your dress is puffed out by petticoats, but even if your buttocks are perilously unprotected, a maid has no business with chairs beyond plumping their cushions for those privileged enough to enjoy them! As though stressing the importance of staying on your feet no matter how high your heels might be, the French for “sit” is an especially irregular verb. In fact, s'asseoir has two separate sets of conjugations, with the older and more commonly used of them also being more polite. Needless to say, that's the one that's appropriate for a maid to use, and thus the one illustrated below:

Je m'assieds pendant que ma bonne cire mes chaussures I sit down while my maid polishes my shoes
Tu t'assieds quand il y a des corvées à faire, Fifi ? You're sitting down when there are chores to do, Fifi?
Il s'assied sur le tabouret inconfortable après sa fessée He sits on the uncomfortable stool after his spanking
Elle s'assied sur la chaise et le regarde travailler She sits on the chair and watches him work
Nous nous asseyons sur le canapé et nous regardons un film romantique We sit on the sofa and watch a romantic (romantique) film
Vous vous asseyez sur mon visage et jouez avec ma cage You sit on my face and play (jouer, -er, not jouir!) with my cage
Ils s'asseyent par terre They sit on the ground
Elles s'asseyent et dégustent du vin They sit and savour (déguster, -er) some wine

By now, you should know that you also need to learn the past participle, which is assis, and the imperfect stem, which is assey-. Because it is reflexive, s'asseoir requires the use of être as an auxiliary, making it one of the most difficult verbs you've learned so far. Perhaps it is just as well that the situations in which a maid may sit down are few and far between!

Il était toujours si occupé qu'il s'asseyait rarement He was always so busy that he rarely sat down
Il s'est assis à contrecœur sur le gode He reluctantly (à contrecœur) sat on the dildo

exercices pour la trente et unième leçon - exercises for the thirty first lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Une bonne ne s'assied jamais devant sa maîtresse

  2. Son mari souffre un soutien-gorge particulièrement serré une semaine par mois

  3. Sa maîtresse est très en colère quand elle découvre l'assiette cassée

  4. Elle voit que son secrétaire a filé un bas et le gronde

  5. La femmelette s'est vue agenouillée à nouveau dans le coin

Say the following in French:

  1. I am profoundly sorry, Ma'am, but I have chipped a glass

  2. She saw that I was wearing a corselette under my suit

  3. Sissies suffer uncomfortable underwear

  4. Your friends laughed when they discovered that I wear panties

  5. The women sit down, but the maid must stand

leçon 32: travailler en portant un tablier - working wearing an apron

You know how to describe your lingerie by using the likes of en dentelle and en satin, and might even go so far as to say you have to wear silky frillies in the presence of other people by adding en public - hopefully not with seins en silicone if you want to keep your bra hidden! Is your mistress en colère (“angry”) with you for being en retard (“late”), perhaps because you were fantasising about being mettre en laisse (“put on a leash”)? You might be en accord (“in agreement”) or en désaccord (“in disagreement”) with her decision to punish you, but no matter how disgracefully you find yourself disciplined, the little word en allows you to add detail!

Suppose you're drifted off into such daydreams while hard at work with un seau et une brosse (“a bucket and brush”), wearing the more modest attire that your mistress expects of her maid. You might describe that as follows:

Je frotte le plancher en portant mon tablier I scrub the floor wearing my apron

Once again, en is helping to paint more of a picture, but the word that follows it isn't one of the conjugations of porter that you've previously learned. Yet portant must be related, just as frottant must derive from frotter:

En frottant le plancher, je contente ma maîtresse By cleaning the floor, I please (contenter, -er) my mistress

Of course, your mistress doesn't need to say anything in such a situation:

Ma maîtresse m'ignore en lisant son livre My mistress ignores me while reading her book

In each of these cases, a verb is modified in the same way. By dropping the -ons from its nous form, and adding -ant, le participe présent (“the present participle”, not to be confused with the past participle!) is created, which can be used with en to mean “while”, “upon” or “by”, depending on context. Consider the following examples:

En t'agenouillant dans le coin, tu doit réfléchir à ton comportement While kneeling in the corner, you must reflect (réfléchir, -er) on your behaviour
En voyant sa maîtresse, la bonne fait une révérence Upon seeing his mistress, the maid curtsies (faire une révérence)
En s'excusant immédiatement, le secrétaire évite une punition humiliante By apologising immediately, the secretary avoids a humiliating punishment

The present participle doesn't need to be preceded by en, however. When following a noun, it acts as an adjective, albeit needing to agree with its subject in this case. You've already seen several examples of this, perhaps without realising the underlying relation between verbs and adjectives:

mon mari rougissant my blushing (from rougir) husband
des soutiens-gorge humiliants humiliating (from humilier) bras
sa patronne exigeante his demanding (from exiger) boss
les bonnes désobéissantes the disobedient (from désobéir) maids

In a similar way, a present participle can be used to replace a relative clause that uses que or qui. In English, one can speak of both “men who wear lingerie” and “lingerie-wearing men”, the choice of words not affecting how emasculated a man must feel when he's wearing women's underwear, and the same is true in French. Note that, unlike when the present participle is used as an adjective, it doesn't need to agree with its subject this time:

Les hommes qui portent des soutiens-gorge sont très soumis Men who wear bras are very submissive
Les hommes portant des soutiens-gorge sont très soumis Bra-wearing men are very submissive

French often uses the infinitive (“to wear”) in places where English would use the present participle (“wearing”). For instance, when amusing your mistress and her friends with your confessions, you would say J'aime porter un soutien-gorge, never J'aime portant un soutien-gorge - a present participle can never be modified by another verb. Moreover, when speaking of an action, either the infinitive or an equivalent noun should be used:

Le nettoyage est la responsabilité d'une bonne Cleaning is the responsibility of a maid
Laver les vêtements correctement n'est pas difficile Washing clothes correctly is not difficult (difficile)

However, a present participle may be used to modify a noun:

Craignant sa patronne, le secrétaire travaille dur Fearing his boss, the secretary works hard
Elles ont vu la femmelette achetant des bas They saw the sissy buying stockings

Which nouns are being modified? In the first example, it is obvious - it is the same man who fears the wrath of his boss, and so works hard to avoid being told to bend over her desk later that day! In the second case, however, the choice of words is confusing, perhaps leaving you wondering whether it was the women or the sissy who were buying stockings - not that would make their encounter in the lingerie shop any less embarrassing for the latter! When used without en, the present participle modifies the nearest noun, meaning that it was actually the man having to pay for new nylons - the inevitable consequence of him carelessly snagging a pair! If en achetant were used instead, the sentence would describe a different scene:

Elles ont vu la femmelette en achetant des bas They saw the sissy while (they were) buying stockings

It never hurts to add extra detail when describing such a scene, except perhaps for the pride of the man having to stand in a long line of customers, clutching something so shameful! Let's go back to our original situation and describe it more clearly:

Elles ont vu la femmelette achetant des bas quand elles sont entrées la boutique de lingerie They saw the sissy buying (his) stockings when they entered the lingerie shop

There are only three irregular present participles - ayant for avoir (“having”), étant for être (“being”), and sachant for savoir (“knowing”). Consider the following examples, and memorise these special cases:

N'ayant pas de bas de rechange, l'homme doit acheter plus Having no spare (de rechange) stockings, the man must buy more
Étant une femmelette, je porte des culottes comme une femme Being a sissy, I wear panties like a woman
Sachant qu'il porte un soutien-gorge, les femmes lui disent d'enlever sa veste Knowing that he is wearing a bra, the women tell him to take off his jacket

ayant commencé, tu dois finir - having started, you must finish

A sissy may or may not have spare stockings, but speaking about what you have in the way of hosiery isn't the only occasion where you would use ayant. It (or étant for reflexive verbs and the usual exceptions) can be followed by a past participle to mean “having done something”, in a similar way to how you might say that in English:

Ayant commencé ses corvées tôt, la bonne a fini tôt Having started his chores early, the maid finished early
Étant devenu leur secrétaire, l'homme devait obéir aux femmes d'affaires Having become their secretary, the man had to obey the businesswomen
S'étant excusé, l'homme a attendu que sa femme décide de sa punition Having apologised, the man waited for his wife to decide his punishment

If you want to say “after having done something”, however, you would use l'infinitif passé (“the past infinitive”), which uses the infinitive form of avoir or être with a verb's past participle instead:

Après avoir nettoyé la cuisine, la bonne nettoie la salle de bain After having cleaned the kitchen, the maid cleans the bathroom
Après être allé à la boutique de lingerie, l'homme a plusieurs nouveaux soutiens-gorge et culottes After having gone to the lingerie shop, the man has several new bras and panties
Après m'être habillé, je me présente à ma maîtresse pour son inspection After having dressed, I present myself (se présenter, -er) to my mistress for her inspection

The past infinitive is also used when applying another verb to an action in the past tense. Consider what is happening when in the following examples:

Je regrette d'avoir déçu ma maîtresse I regret (regretter, -er) having disappointed my mistress
Je n'aime pas avoir échoué I don't like to have failed (échouer, -er)
J'ai besoin d'avoir satisfait ma maîtresse avant d'aller au lit I need to satisfy my mistress before going to bed
Je me rappelle d'avoir été puni auparavant I remember having been punished before

exercices pour la trente-deuxième leçon - exercises for the thirty second lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Sachant que sa patronne est occupée, le secrétaire ne la dérange pas

  2. En regardant la bonne travailler, les femmes discutent et boivent du vin

  3. Après avoir agrafé son soutien-gorge, l'homme le rembourre avec des seins en silicone

  4. Ayant honte de sa gaine-culotte, l'homme rougit en baissant son pantalon

  5. En vérifiant la culotte de son mari, la femme sait qu'elle doit le punir

Say the following in French:

  1. Being a maid, I must never disobey my mistress

  2. While waiting for his wife, the obedient man cleans the house

  3. The petticoat-wearing maid doesn't sit down while working

  4. Working as a secretary, he leaves the house wearing a skirt and blouse

  5. I don't like having annoyed my mistress

leçon 33: qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ? - what are you going to do?

What can a maid look forward to? Chores, chores and more chores! Only after everything's finished will you finally be able to put up your feet, but perhaps your mistress will reward you with an appreciative word before then - that is, if she doesn't find grounds to punish you! Don't get too comfortable even after you're done for the day - it won't be long before you'll find yourself back in your uniform again, whether to continue the never-ending battle to keep everything clean, or to tackle the less frequent tasks that are no less the responsibility of a maid. Might there be a special occasion you're anticipating amid your more mundane duties - perhaps a party where you'll be expected to dress your best, or simply some memorable time with your mistress? Or must you tell her that tomorrow (and next week, and next month!) will be like today - a day where you'll work hard to satisfy her wishes, wearing what you're told?

In English, it's possible to speak of the future using only the present tense (for example, “You're cleaning the bathroom tonight, Fifi”), but more often than not, additional words are used - “You're going to clean the bathroom tonight, Fifi” or “You will be cleaning the bathroom tonight, Fifi”. These future tenses can not only imply obligations, as is the case with the scrubbing that will be occupying Fifi's evening, but also make predictions (“It's going to rain”), propose consequences (“The washing will get wet if you don't bring it in”) and discuss arrangements (“My friends will be arriving at seven o'clock”). The same is true in French - indeed, the most common way of talking about the future, le futur proche (“the near future”) is so similar that it can be translated word for word. To use it, you just need to know how “to go”.

aller (“to go”) is another irregular verb whose conjugation you must memorise. To help you do that, let's take a trip to the shops:

Je vais à l'épicerie dès maintenant, Madame I'm going to the grocery shop right now, Ma'am
Tu vas à la boutique de lingerie de toute façon, Fifi You're going to the lingerie shop in any case, Fifi
Il va au pressing pour récupérer le costume de sa patronne He goes to the dry cleaners to collect (récupérer, -é_er) his boss's suit
Elle va au magasin de chaussures, puis au grand magasin She goes to the shoe shop, then to the department store
Nous allons au magasin de vêtements pour femme ensemble We go to the women's clothing store together
Vous allez aux magasins avant de revenir, Madame ? Are you going to the shops before coming back, Ma'am?
Ils vont au supermarché pour acheter des ingrédients pour le dîner They go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner
Elles vont à la pâtisserie dans l'après-midi They go to the pastry shop in the afternoon

What sissy doesn't like shopping? Imagine all the feminine things your mistress might have you buy - having to be paid for by yourself, of course - but don't forget your grammar along the way! As well as looking out for the various forms of aller, note how some of the shops are preceded by à la (literally “to the”), but others have au or even aux where you might expect à le or à les instead. That's because the latter two contract, just as we saw du and des take the place of de le and de les. Au, à la and aux all mean “to the”, with the appropriate form to use depending on whether you're referring to a masculine, feminine or plural noun.

The past participle of aller is allé, but because this is a verb of movement, this must agree with the subject, and être should be used as an auxiliary. Consider the following scenarios in a female-led office:

Le secrétaire est allé vérifier auprès de sa patronne The male secretary went to check with his female boss
Les secrétaires sont allés vérifier auprès de leur patronne The male secretaries went to check with their female boss
La femme d'affaires est allée vérifier le travail du secrétaire The businesswoman went to check the male secretary's work
Les femmes d'affaires sont allées vérifier le travail du secrétaire The businesswomen went to check the male secretary's work

Suppose, however, that a businesswoman is going to check on her secretary at some point in the future - perhaps once she has finished her very important phone call, or simply when she feels like stretching her legs. To say that in French, you'd use a suitable form of aller, followed by an infinitive, as illustrated in the following examples:

Je vais vérifier ton travail très minutieusement I'm going to check your work very carefully
Tu vas payer pour tes erreurs You're going to pay for your mistakes
Il va porter un chemisier ajusté et une jupe droite He is going to wear a fitted blouse and a pencil skirt
Elle va promener son mari She is going to take her husband for a walk
Nous allons acheter une semaine de culottes et de soutiens-gorge We're going to buy a week of panties and bras
Vous allez inviter toutes vos amies, Madame ? You're going to invite (inviter, -er) all your friends, Ma'am?
Ils vont s'agenouiller dans le coin toute la soirée They are going to kneel in the corner all evening
Elles vont regarder la bonne faire le ménage They are going to watch the maid do the housework

As with the passé composé, negative adverbs sandwich only the first part:

Je ne vais pas enlever mon soutien-gorge, Madame I'm not going to take off my bra, Ma'am

whereas object pronouns go where you would expect, before the infinitive:

Sa maîtresse va le punir très sévèrement His mistress is going to punish him very severely
Je ne vais pas vous décevoir, Madame I'm not going to disappoint you, Ma'am

So far, we've been using the present tense of aller, but it is also possible to use the imperfect, again followed by an infinitive, to say “was going to”, for example, to speak of intended or interrupted actions. The stem that is required is all-:

J'allais te faire porter un soutien-gorge noir I was going to make you wear a black bra
Tu allais embrasser mes chaussures, Fifi You were going to kiss my shoes, Fifi
Il allait d'abord nettoyer le salon He was going to clean the lounge first
Elle allait punir son mari quand ils sont rentrés She was going to punish her husband when they got home
Nous allions employer un homme soumis comme notre secrétaire We were going to employ a submissive man as our secretary
Vous alliez me laisser faire une pause, Madame You were going to let me take a break (faire une pause), Ma'am
Ils allaient quitter, mais leur patronne leur a donné plus de travail They were going to leave, but their boss gave them more work
Elles allaient aller à la boutique de lingerie They were going to go to the lingerie shop

Finally, when aller is followed by chercher in the infinitive, it means “to go and get” or “to fetch”. What might you fetch for your mistress?

La bonne va chercher la brosse à cheveux The maid fetches the hairbrush

maîtresse et bonne discutent la lessive - mistress and maid discuss the washing

Que vas tu faire ensuite, Fifi ? What are you going to do next, Fifi?
Je vais finir la lessive, Madame I'm going to finish the laundry, Ma'am
Tu vas étendre tes culottes à la vue de tous ? Are you going to hang out your panties for all to see?
Non, Madame ! J'allais les étendre, mais je crois qu'il va pleuvoir No, Ma'am! I was going to, but I think it's going to rain
Quel dommage ! Les voisines vont être très déçues ! What a shame! The neighbours (un(e) voisin(e)) are going to be very disappointed!

exercices pour la trente-troisième leçon - exercises for the thirty third lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Je vais te donner une fessée avec ma brosse à cheveux

  2. Tu vas porter ton corset le plus serré ce soir

  3. Il allait commencer à balayer le plancher quand sa maîtresse a appelé

  4. Elle va ficeler son mari et le pénétrer

  5. Elles vont vérifier qu'il porte une culotte propre

Say the following in French:

  1. I am going to wear a bra every day

  2. You are going to like being my maid

  3. The maid was not going to remove his apron

  4. She is going to make her secretary blush

  5. He is going to iron the sheets and then put them away

leçon 34: que feras-tu ? - what will you do?

You've learned how to use aller (“to go”) to speak of things that are going to happen, but there's another way to refer to expectations, intentions or predictions in French - le futur simple (“the simple future”). In English, the equivalent uses “will” as an auxiliary, for example, “I will clean the bathroom, Ma'am”, but in French, it requires only the infinitive, conjugated with a further set of endings to indicate the future tense. Whereas Je nettoie la salle de bain, Madame tells your mistress what you are doing right now, and Je nettoyais la salle de bain, Madame speaks of previous chores, Je nettoierai la salle de bain, Madame continues the chain of cleaning into the future. The tub, the toilet, the tiles behind the basin - all needing to be scrubbed, not just this week, but next week and the week after, and every week after that.

In spoken French, le futur simple is not as commonly used as le futur proche. It tends to be reserved more for hypothetical or distant events rather than those that are inevitable or immediate, often suggesting more uncertainty than the equivalent in English. Imagine your mistress telling you that “You will clean the bathroom” and “You're going to clean the bathroom”. Both are very commanding statements, leaving you no choice but to scurry off for your scrubbing brush, but in French, it is the latter that sounds stronger. Nevertheless, you need to know both - you're going to learn, yes, you will!

Like other tenses, the futur simple is formed from a single stem for each verb, but for most verbs, this is the same as the infinitive (albeit without the final -e in the case of -re verbs). To this, one of a set of endings is added to agree with the subject; for je, it's -ai; for tu, it's -as; for il and elle, it's -a; for nous, it's -ons; for vous, it's -ez; and finally, for ils and elles, it's -ont. Let's see how it works with our old favourite, porter (“to wear”), and think about those bras that make sissies like you so weak:

Je porterai toujours un soutien-gorge quand vous le direz, Madame I will always wear a bra when you say (literally “when you will say it”), Ma'am
Tu porteras un soutien-gorge en public un de ces jours You will wear a bra in public one of these days
Il portera un soutien-gorge à la maison tout le temps désormais He will wear a bra at home all the time from now on
Elle portera un soutien-gorge noir en dentelle demain She will wear a lacy black bra tomorrow
Nous porterons des soutiens-gorge comme deux femmes en vacance la semaine prochaine We will wear bras like two women on holiday next (prochain(e)) week
Vous porterez un soutien-gorge bustier avec votre gaine ce soir, Madame ? You will wear a longline bra with your girdle tonight, Ma'am?
Ils porteront tous des soutiens-gorge tôt ou tard They will all wear bras sooner or later
Elles porteront ensuite des soutiens-gorge ampliformes avec leur costume d'Halloween They will wear push-up bras with their Halloween costumes later

So many people will be wearing bras, won't they? Will you be one of them, if you aren't already?

As always, some verbs are irregular, but even these use the same, easy to remember endings, so you merely need to memorise their stems. Among those that you're likely to use often, être uses ser-, avoir uses aur-, faire uses fer-, and aller uses ir-. Consider the following sentences, and then change their subjects to reflect other submissive men:

Je serai votre bonne pour toujours et à jamais, Madame I will be your maid for ever and ever, Ma'am (literally “for forever and to never”)
Tu auras les jambes lisses et douces après les avoir rasées, Fifi You will have smooth (lisse) and soft legs after having shaved them, Fifi
Je ferai le lavage et ensuite le repassage, Madame I will do the washing and then the ironing, Ma'am
Tu iras au magasin et tu achèteras une paire de rechange, Fifi You will go to the shop and you will buy a spare pair, Fifi

Observant sissies will have noticed some subtle changes in earlier verbs. The stem-changing acheter has acquired an accent for its future tense, whereas the “y” in nettoyer became an “i” when we spoke of what Fifi will be doing in the bathroom. Similar changes apply to other verbs that share the same pattern in their present tense, such that if you want to say that you will (or better yet, will not!) be taking something off, you'll need to turn enlever into enlèver before adding an ending. Lastly, verbs that end in -eler or -eter see their penultimate consonant double when forming their future stem:

Tu chancelleras dans ces talons aiguilles, Fifi, mais tu ne les enlèveras pas ou je te donnerai une fessée You will totter in these high heels, Fifi, but you won't take them off, or I will give you a spanking

How else might a mistress persuade her maid that he shouldn't slip off his patent leather pumps? Perhaps with an even higher pair of heels, which lock around his ankles so he can't forget how they humble him as he tries to remember the subtleties of the French language! Did you spot the three changes in the above example, or were you too busy picturing yourself in the same plight? Take the opportunity to redeem yourself by studying how the future tense is used in the following sentences, considering whether the same would be true in English:

Elle corsètera sa bonne de plus en plus serrée She will corset her maid tighter and tighter
Tu iras au fond du jardin en bikini et bronzera You will go to the bottom of the garden in your bikini and you will get a tan (bronzer, -er)
Les femmes s'amuseront avec la femmelette quand elles le verront The women will have fun with the sissy when they see him
Je m'excuserai immédiatement quand je ferai une erreur I will immediately apologise when I make a mistake
Tu devras choisir tes propres culottes lorsque tu seras en voyage d'affaires You'll have to choose your own panties when you're on your business trip
La vendeuse connaîtra ta taille quand tu lui montreras ma note The saleswoman will know your size when you show her my note
Un jour, tu jetteras tous tes caleçons et ne porteras que des culottes One day, you will throw away all your boxer shorts (un caleçon) and wear only panties
Mon amie promènera son nouveau chien tous les jours My friend will walk her new dog every day
Peut-être qu'elle verra ton soutien-gorge et elle saura que tu es une femmelette Perhaps she will see your bra and she will know that you are a sissy
Je ne m'assiérai pas quand je suis censé travailler, je ne décevrai pas ma maîtresse comme cela I will not sit down when I am supposed (censé(e)) to be working, I will not disappoint my mistress like that

Did you notice how French uses the future tense in places where English would use the present? We'll discuss this more in lesson 49. Note also the irregular stems used by certain verbs. devoir uses devr- and décevoir uses décevr-; tenir and its derivatives use tiendr-, such that venir uses viendr-; voir uses verr-, savoir uses saur- and s'asseoir uses s'assiér-. We'll encounter a few more exceptions in future lessons, but fortunately, irregular stems are few and far between. For the most part, the infinitive can be used without any changes.

exercices pour la trente-quatrième leçon - exercises for the thirty fourth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Je conjuguerai mes verbes correctement

  2. Tu pèleras les légumes pendant que je fais la cuisine

  3. Après avoir repassé vos chemisiers, je les rangerai, Madame

  4. Elle lui fera se regarder dans le miroir

  5. Sa femme le punira pour ses erreurs

Say the following in French:

  1. The secretary will please his boss

  2. I will only wear women's underwear

  3. She will sell him a black bra

  4. The sheets will dry because it is sunny

  5. He will like his apron sooner or later

leçon 35: as-tu le droit de jouir ? non, bien sûr que non ! - are you allowed to come? no, of course not!

Being a maid can be hard in more ways than one, if you're the sort of sissy who's turned on by wearing women's clothing. Even if you must work in the most austere of uniforms, you can still suffer from unwanted arousal thanks to how such emasculating attire puts you in your place, let alone if you're permitted the luxury of wearing lacy lingerie and silky dresses while you serve. How many times do you find yourself distracted from your duties by shameful stirrings under your skirt? Your frustration may amuse your mistress, but no matter how urgent the clamour of your crotch, it must never stop you from concentrating on the chores - you're not employed to fiddle with your panties!

Some women stop their maids taking matters into their own hands by fitting them with means of enforcing their chastity, ensuring that their servants can never succumb to the temptation to se tripoter (“fiddle with themselves”, -er, vulgar, from tripoter, “to fiddle with” or “to fondle”), se polir (“polish themselves”, -ir, vulgar) or se branler (“shake themselves”, -er, vulgar), let alone jouir (“to enjoy”, -ir) anything as a result! Are you fortunate to have such restraint imposed upon you, or must you rely on your own self-control to ensure you never do more than bander (“to get hard” when intransitive, vulgar, but “to bandage” when used with an object, -er)? Either way, it's likely that tes orgasmes are few and far between - as befits a maid who has more important matters to attend to than your own arousal! How long has it been since you last received (recevoir) une branlette (the pleasures of a hand, vulgar) as a reward for your service, let alone une pipe (the pleasures of a mouth, vulgar) as you held up your petticoats? Perhaps you didn't enjoy anything more than un orgasme ruiné! Can you count the days, en français?

Je ne me masturberai pas sans permission, Madame I will not masturbate without permission, Ma'am
Non, parce qu'une bonne n'a pas le droit de bander, Fifi No, because a maid has no right to get hard, Fifi
Mais, Madame, j'ai désespérément besoin d'une branlette ! But, Ma'am, I desperately need to jerk off!
Ne sois pas si grossier, Fifi ! Tu as clairement besoin de garder ta ceinture de chasteté ! Don't be (être in the imperative, see lesson 41) so crude (grossier, -ière), Fifi! You clearly need to keep (garder, -er) your chastity belt on!
Oui, Madame, si vous le dites, Madame Yes, Ma'am, if you say so, Ma'am
Je le dis, Fifi ! Un homme soumis doit toujours porter une ceinture de chasteté pour empêcher le plaisir non autorisé ! I do say so, Fifi! A submissive man must always wear a chastity belt to prevent (empêcher, -er) unauthorised (non autorisé(e)) pleasure!

quel genre dois-tu porter ? - what sort do you have to wear?

Some sissies foolishly say they wear chastity belts when really they mean something different. Is it more emasculating to be prevented from enjoying an erection by a sturdy steel contraption that could have come straight from the middle ages, or a very modern, minuscule piece of pink plastic? Be sure not to embarrass your mistress by suggesting your manhood is subject to something it isn't, but instead learn the appropriate vocabulary to describe the means by which she keeps you denied while on duty.

un dispositif de chasteté a chastity device
une cage de chasteté a chastity cage
une ceinture de chasteté a chastity belt
en silicone rose made of pink silicone
en acier inoxydable made of stainless steel

Regardless of exactly what you must wear, you might be tempted to supplier (“beg”, -er) or implorer (“implore”, -er) your keyholder to ouvrir (“open”, -vrir) or déverrouiller (“unlock”, -er) such a frustrating contraption, but you shouldn't expect to be allowed to do more than se nettoyer (“clean yourself”) before she chooses to fermer à clé (literally “close with a key”, -er) or verrouiller (“lock”, -er) her means of control again. Might your mistress deign to allumer (“tease”, in a sexual way, -er, vulgar, literally “to light” or “to turn on”) you while you're temporarily free, or are such treats strictly reserved for when you're secure? Better not to think about her fingers fondling the plastic or steel as she licks her lips, unless you want to suffer inside!

Here are some more words to help you speak of how you're kept helpless:

une cage a cage
un anneau a ring
une goupille a pin
un cadenas a padlock
verrouillé(e) locked
cadenassé(e) padlocked
incassable unbreakable
inviolable unbeatable

depuis quand es-tu enfermé dans ta ceinture de chasteté ? - how long have you been locked in your chastity belt?

Even a minute in a chastity belt can seem like eternity when you're straining futilely inside, but there's no point trying to fight its control when you might remain in its clutches forever! Do you know how long it will be until you're next likely to be let out, or has your mistress given you no hint of when she might unlock you? Either way, it's entirely down to her to decide, so why not look back instead? You'll soon learn your French numbers if you count the days, hours and minutes since your last climax every time you're reminded of your submission, days which can easily become weeks if you fail to please the woman who holds the keys. How long has it been since you accepted that your sexual relief is something that you no longer have any say about?

une minute a minute
une heure an hour
un jour a day
une semaine a week
un mois a month
un an a year
un, une one
deux two
trois three
quatre four
cinq five
six six
sept seven
huit eight
neuf nine
dix ten
onze eleven
douze twelve
treize thirteen
quatorze fourteen
quinze fifteen
seize sixteen
dix-sept seventeen
dix-huit eighteen
dix-neuf nineteen
vingt twenty

Let's take a look at how a certain maid is faring as he lifts his skirts:

Excusez-moi, Madame, mais j'ai été enfermé dans ma ceinture de chasteté depuis vingt et un jours maintenant ! Excuse me, Ma'am, but I have been locked in my chastity belt for twenty one days now!
Seulement trois semaines, Fifi ? Comme le temps passe ! Only three weeks, Fifi? How time flies!
Il me semble qu'il a été beaucoup plus long, Madame ! Chaque minute semble une éternité ! It seems (sembler, -er) to me that it has been much longer, Ma'am! Every minute feels like an eternity!
Tu te plains, Fifi ? Est-ce que je dois ajouter une autre semaine ? Are you complaining, Fifi? Should I add (ajouter, -er) another week?
Non, non, Madame ! Je suis désolé de vous avoir dérangé ! No, no, Ma'am! I am sorry to have disturbed you!

Did you note how frustrated Fifi refers to his little predicament? By using a form of être (in this case, le passé composé), followed by the past participle of enfermer (“to lock up”, -er), the submissive maid speaks in the passive voice, making himself more the object than the subject of the sentence. There's nothing special about “having been locked up”, however, no matter how much this might weigh on a denied sissy's mind - the passive voice can be employed with all manner of tenses and verbs, as illustrated in the following examples:

Elle punit sa bonne She punishes her maid
Il est puni par sa maîtresse He is punished by his mistress
Elle a puni sa bonne She punished her maid
Il a été puni par sa maîtresse He was punished by his mistress
Elle punissait sa bonne She was punishing her maid
Il était puni par sa maîtresse He was being punished by his mistress
Elle punira sa bonne She will punish her maid
Il sera puni par sa maîtresse He will be punished by his mistress
Elle va punir sa bonne She is going to punish her maid
Il va être puni par sa maîtresse He is going to be punished by his mistress

Might it amuse your mistress to have you speak of everything you do in this manner? After all, what really matters is whether a particular chore has been completed, the degree to which you might have had to sweat not worthy of note unless you've failed to make an effort. Instead of hearing you boast about how you've done the cleaning, all your mistress needs to hear is that the cleaning has been done, for which the passive voice is ideal. When using it, note that this is another case where the past participle needs to agree with the subject:

Le linge a été fait, Madame The laundry has been done, Ma'am
La cuisine a été nettoyée, Madame The kitchen has been cleaned, Ma'am
Vos chemisiers ont été repassés et rangés, Madame Your blouses have ironed and put away, Ma'am
Vos culottes ont été lavées et étendues, Madame Your panties have been washed and hung out to dry, Ma'am

exercices pour la trente-cinquième leçon - exercises for the thirty fifth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. La cage de chasteté rose de la bonne est très petite

  2. Un mois, trois semaines, cinq jours, mais pas d'orgasmes

  3. La ceinture de chasteté serrée ne lui permet pas de bander

  4. Mes gaines-combinaisons ont été achetées à une petite boutique de lingerie

  5. Tes talons hauts doivent être portés tout le temps

Say the following in French:

  1. I like to wear my unbeatable chastity belt

  2. The floors have been swept, Ma'am

  3. The lazy secretary will be punished by his boss

  4. I do not need to masturbate

  5. A spanking was given to the maid