en français, Fifi!

leçons 8 à 14 - lessons 8 to 14

en français, Fifi! is a course in basic French for the submissive crossdresser. It is intended to give the student an understanding of the language sufficient to permit him to perform the functions of a maid or secretary without any need to resort to English. Putting a solid emphasis on grammar, this textbook for sissies teaches all the vocabulary that a feminized servant or subordinate should know, using exaggerated examples that will prove as memorable as they are provocative. The would-be speaker will find himself immersed in a world where men wear bras and chastity belts as they seek to please their female superiors with selfless submission, forever fearing shameful punishment.

en français, Fifi! features themes of lingerie discipline, male chastity and men as maids. It should go without saying that, like everything else at brassièred, it is intended for adults only.

leçon 8: les bonnes femmelettes portent des jolies culottes - good sissies wear pretty panties

In the previous lesson, you learned how to say you wear a short skirt and a sheer blouse, with the adjectives being different to their English equivalents in the way they come after the respective nouns. If you're to succeed as a sissy secretary, however, you need to know that there are a number of French adjectives that don't follow this general rule, which may be summarised by the acronym BAGS to reflect how they refer to Beauty, Age, Goodness and Size. These commonly used words must go before the nouns they modify, and to complicate things further, some are irregular to boot! Let's take a look at some examples:

joli(e) pretty
beau, belle, beaux, belles, bel beautiful, handsome

You're likely to recognise the second of these from its use in English - “the belle of the ball danced with her beau”. In French, the form you use depends on both gender and number, such that one might say la belle fille danse avec le beau garçon (“the beautiful girl danced with the handsome boy”), but les belles filles dansent avec les beaux garçons (“the beautiful girls dance with the handsome boys”). The fifth form, bel is for nouns which start with a vowel, thus le bel homme danse seul (“the handsome man dances alone”). Incidentally, danser (“to dance”) is a regular -er verb, so you should have no trouble understanding its conjugation in these sentences.

jeune young
nouveau, nouvelle, nouveaux, nouvelles, nouvel new
vieux, vieille, vieux, vielles, vieil old

Again nouveau may be familiar, but both “new” and “old” are irregular.

bon(ne) good
meilleur(e) better
mauvais(e) bad
pire worse

Bonne is not only the noun for “maid”, but also the feminine form of the adjective “good”. If you do all the chores without complaining, what does that make you? Une bonne bonne, of course, a coupling that may amuse your mistress as much as any candy or sweet! Be sure to enquire whether you warrant this most emasculating term of endearment, especially if the lady of the house likes you to serve her in a impossibly saccharine dress!

grand(e) big, large, tall
gros(se) big, large, fat
petit(e) small

Choosing between grand(e) and gros(se) can be difficult, requiring you to consider in which direction something might grow. Be careful when describing people or their clothing, even if you're expected to wear un grand soutien-gorge pour tes gros seins (“a big bra for your big breasts”)!

Not all adjectives that you might consider as qualifying as BAGS actually are - even among these exceptions, there are exceptions. For example, to speak of an ugly man, one would say un homme laid. As always, it's best to learn from actual examples, so let's consider some things you could say:

Il lave sa grande culotte noire et la petite culotte rose de sa femme He washes his big black panties and his wife's small pink panties
La belle maîtresse porte ses nouveaux talons hauts et une jolie robe jaune The beautiful mistress wears her new high heels and a pretty yellow dress
La jeune femme plantureuse a besoin d'un meilleur soutien-gorge The busty (plantureux, -euse) young woman needs (avoir besoin, see lesson 18) a better bra (literally “has need of”)

Ordinal adjectives (those specifying order in a series) also come before the noun. Here's an example that may be easier for you to remember as a sissy:

Le premier soutien-gorge d'un homme est très spécial A man's first (premier, -ière) bra is very special

If a plural noun has an adjective preceding it, then des becomes de:

Je porte des bas noirs I wear black stockings
Je porte de nouveaux bas I wear new stockings

la lingerie chère de la chère maîtresse - the dear mistress's expensive lingerie

As if all that wasn't enough, there are also some adjectives that can be used either before or after a noun, with their meaning changing depending on where they are placed. You'll need to pay particular attention to these, if you're not to find yourself inadvertently saying something you'll subsequently regret!

cher, chère dear (before the noun)
expensive (after the noun)
ancien(ne) former (before the noun)
ancient (after the noun)
propre one's own (before the noun)
clean (after the noun)
ma chère femme my dear wife
la lingerie chère the expensive lingerie
sa ancienne patronne his former boss
la maison ancienne the ancient building
ta propre culotte your own panties
ta culotte propre your clean panties

Imagine how you might be punished for speaking of your femme chère or your patronne ancienne, especially if one were entertaining the other as you served them drinks! Your panties had better be both kinds of propre, if you're not to suffer a worse punishment when the women pull them down, but practise these adjectives so as to avoid ending up in such a predicament.

exercices pour la huitième leçon - exercises for the eighth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. une petite coiffe à froufrous

  2. La femme de chambre porte un tablier propre

  3. Un corset lâche est un mauvais corset

  4. Sa femme aime les jolies robes et les grands jupons

  5. Le vieil homme regarde sa nouvelle gaine-combinaison noire

Say the following in French:

  1. his wife's pretty pink nightdress

  2. The maid washes his mistress's new panties (plural)

  3. The new (female) boss is looking for a better (male) secretary

  4. These are my submissive husband's own bras

  5. Beautiful women wear expensive underwear

leçon 9: a quel point est serré ton soutien-gorge ? - how tight is your bra?

It does neither woman nor sissy any good to wear a bra that's too loose, but finding the right fit can be difficult even without the elastic stretching over time. Does yours need tightening, or is already tight enough? Regardless of whether you need the support that such a womanly garment provides, you should certainly know that it's there, but if you can't tell your mistress how it feels, then you can't complain when she decides that only the tightest of hooks will do! Fortunately, French provides a wealth of words with which to modify adjectives, so you don't have to rely on just pleading Pardonnez-moi, Madame ! Mon soutien-gorge est serré ! - as amusing as that might prove to her and her friends. Instead, you might show you understand what women suffer by saying:

Mon soutien-gorge est un peu serré, Madame My bra is a bit tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est plutôt serré, Madame My bra is rather tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est très serré, Madame My bra is very tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est extrêmement serré, Madame My bra is extremely tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est trop serré, Madame My bra is too tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est beaucoup trop serré, Madame My bra is much too tight, Ma'am
Mon soutien-gorge est assez serré, Madame My bra is tight enough, Ma'am

Perhaps your mistress is feeling playful, and is offering you a choice of bras to remind you of your place when pleasing her in the bedroom, or perhaps you find yourself in the changing room of a department store, having to tell her which you want to wear to work without anyone overhearing. In any case, you'll be glad of knowing how to make comparisons, so study the following sentences until you understand:

Ce soutien-gorge est moins serré que celui-là This bra is less tight than that one
Cette culotte est plus petite que celle-là These panties are smaller than those ones
Ces bas sont aussi sexy que ceux-là These stockings are as sexy as those ones
Ces nuisettes sont de la même couleur que celles-là These nightdresses are (of) the same colour as those ones

You should recognise ce, cette and ces from a previous lesson, and may see a familiar pattern of genders and plurals in celui, celle, ceux and celles. The former are adjectives (modifying the nouns that follow), whereas the latter are pronouns (replacing nouns). Unlike in English, where “this” or “these” would suffice in both cases, French requires different forms - neither being the simple ce that we saw in c'est and ce sont, because neither is immediately followed by a form of être. Confused? You may become even more so when you learn that both can mean either “this” or “that”, the pronouns requiring an additional ending to specify which:

Mon soutien-gorge est celui-ci et ton soutien-gorge est celui-là My bra is this one and your bra is that one
Mes bas sont ceux-ci et tes bas sont ceux-là My stockings are these ones and your stockings are those ones

Without either ci or , demonstrative pronouns such as celui must be followed by a phrase that indicates what they're pointing out. For example:

J'adore celui avec les nœuds I love the one with bows
Il lave ceux de sa femme aussi He washes his wife's ones too

If you wanted to say “the white one”, you don't need to worry about any of that - simply use the masculine form of the colour as a noun, as follows:

Le blanc est le moins serré The white one is the least tight
Le noir est le plus serré The black one is the most tight

maîtresse et bonne dans la chambre - mistress and maid in the bedroom

With your new vocabulary, how much of the following conversation can you understand? There's lots of unfamiliar grammar which we'll look at in later lessons, but try to make sense of what the mistress and maid are saying before turning to the translation. What new words can you learn from studying it?

J'ai acheté plusieurs nouveaux soutifs, Fifi ! Celui-ci est pour toi ! I have bought several (plusieurs) new bras, Fifi! This one is for you!
C'est vraiment gentil de votre part, Madame. J'adore les soutiens-gorge ! That's really kind of you, Ma'am. I love bras!
Agrafes-le plus serré, Fifi ! Plus serré est meilleur quand il s'agit de soutiens-gorge pour femmelettes Fasten it tighter, Fifi! Tighter is better when (quand) it comes to bras for sissies
Oui, Madame, si vous voulez. Mais, s'il vous plaît, Madame, mes seins sont trop lourds ! Je vous prie, puis-je en porter des plus légers aujourd'hui ? Yes, Ma'am, if you want. But, please, Ma'am, my breasts (un sein) are too heavy! I beg you, may I wear lighter ones today?
Non, Fifi, absolument pas ! Parce que c'est ma maison, et j'aime ma bonne incroyablement plantureuse ! No, Fifi, absolutely not! Because (parce que) this is my house, and I like my maid incredibly busty!

exercices pour la neuvième leçon - exercises for the ninth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Le collier de l'homme soumis est beaucoup trop étroit

  2. Il porte ceux-ci, les noires

  3. La jupe du secrétaire est très courte et très sexy

  4. Cette guêpière est plus coquine que celle-là

  5. Elle dégrafe son propre soutien-gorge et agrafe celui de son mari

Say the following in French:

  1. Ma'am, my bra is a bit uncomfortable

  2. Today, I'm wearing the pink one

  3. The maid's black corset is extremely heavy

  4. The white panty girdle is less tight than the black

  5. I like that one with the ribbons!

leçon 10: choisir un soutien-gorge à porter - choosing a bra to wear

Being able to conjugate regular -er verbs allows you to speak of wearing, washing and liking your maid's uniform, but despite its usefulness, this group doesn't include everything that your mistress might expect you to do. How can you obey (obéir) her, let alone finish (finir) your chores, if you don't know what to do with -ir verbs? If the lady of the house needs to warn (avertir) you, let alone punish (punir) you, your face might whiten (blanchir) or blush (rougir), but your disgrace will be the same either way! Be sure to choose (choisir) to succeed (réussir) by mastering this group of doing words, which, like -er verbs, require you only to learn their pattern.

Let's use choisir (“to choose”) as an example. As before, we can construct the verb's stem by removing the infinitive ending, -ir, to give chois, after which it's merely a case of adding an ending that agrees with the subject. For je and tu, that's -is; for il and elle, it's -it; for nous, it's -issons; for vous, it's -issez, and lastly, for ils and elles, it's -issent. Again, that's only five different endings, as illustrated below:

Je choisis un soutien-gorge à porter chaque matin I choose a bra to wear every (chaque) morning
Tu choisis un soutien-gorge à porter pour ta punition You choose a bra to wear for your punishment
Il choisit un soutien-gorge à porter au travail He chooses a bra to wear at work
Elle choisit un soutien-gorge à porter pour exciter son mari She chooses a bra to wear to arouse (exciter, -er) her husband
Nous choisissons des soutiens-gorge assortis à porter We choose matching (assorti(e)) bras to wear
Vous choisissez un soutien-gorge à porter à la fête You choose a bra to wear to the party
Ils choisissent des soutiens-gorge à porter pour le concours de déguisement They choose bras to wear for the costume competition
Elles choisissent des soutiens-gorge pour leurs maris soumis They choose bras for their submissive (soumis(e)) husbands

If you study those examples, you'll be rewarded with some new vocabulary, and if you're especially keen, you might note that each uses à porter rather than just porter for “to wear”. That's because the second verb is separate from the first, the emphasis of the sentences being on the choosing of bras, rather than the wearing of them (for readers with a particular penchant for grammar, it's a passive infinitive, with à porter capable of being loosely translated as “to be worn”). If, instead, you were choosing to wear a bra, rather than that being a foregone conclusion for a feminized maid, then you would use a different construction using de (to form a semi-auxiliary):

Je choisis de porter un soutien-gorge I choose to wear a bra

Why do we need a de here, when we didn't with J'aime porter? That's just the way the language is, with choisir de (“to choose to do something”) being an expression that you'll find in dictionaries if you don't care to consider the details of grammar. It's not unlike how, in English, you obey your mistress without the need for additional words, but listen to her, or avoid misbehaving, yet refrain from masturbating without permission. Similarly, if you look up finir, you'll find finir de listed as meaning “to finish doing something”, as a sissy maid must if he's not to find himself punished for taking forever:

La bonne finit de repasser les draps The maid finishes ironing (repasser, -er) the sheets (un drap)

Finally, some verbs such as obéir must be followed by à regardless:

J'obéis à ma maîtresse ! I obey my mistress!

For now, you can merely memorise such complications as special cases, focusing more on how to conjugate the verbs. Merely being able to say the following in French is surely to please your mistress, unless, of course, she indicated that she expected you to serve her in your pink lingerie today!

Je choisis un soutien-gorge noir I choose a black bra

Let's consider some further examples of how -ir verbs can be used:

L'homme finit les tâches ménagères avant de dégrafer son soutien-gorge The man finishes the housework (literally “the household tasks”, une tâche) before unfastening his bra
Je punis mon mari désobéissant avec une brosse à cheveux I punish my disobedient (désobéissant(e)) husband with a hairbrush
Les femmelettes coupables rougissent de honte The guilty (coupable) sissies blush with shame
Tu blanchis ces lavettes sales, Fifi ? Are you bleaching those dirty (sale) dishcloths, Fifi?
La femme d'affaires avertit les secrétaires paresseux The businesswoman warns the lazy (paresseux, -euse) secretaries
Nous réussissons à agrafer ta gaine-culotte très serrée We succeed in fastening your very tight panty girdle

Practise conjugating these verbs, and see what sentences you can make with them.

avertir to warn
blanchir to bleach, to whiten
choisir to choose
finir to finish
obéir to obey
punir to punish
réussir to succeed
rougir to blush, to redden

exercices pour la dixième leçon - exercises for the tenth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Il obéit à sa patronne

  2. Tu choisis la couleur, c'est ton soutien-gorge

  3. Elles regardent la jupe courte de l'homme et il rougit

  4. Les femmes réussissent à avertir l'homme vieux

  5. La bonne finit de laver les culottes de sa maîtresse

Say the following in French:

  1. I obey my wife

  2. The maid bleaches his wife's blouses

  3. She chooses the tightest corset for her husband

  4. The (female) boss punishes the (male) secretary

  5. He finishes padding his bra

leçon 11: sous-vêtements pour les femmes et les femmelettes - underwear for women and sissies

Regardless of whether your mistress permits you to choisir tes propres soutiens-gorge et culottes, or prefers to specify exactly what you must wear while you're serving her, you need to be able to describe your lingerie in as much detail as you can. Perhaps you'll be expected to go to une boutique de lingerie and purchase something to please her, or maybe you'll merely be required to announce what you're wearing as part of a regular inspection. Either way, you have to know the words to speak about sizes and styles, lest you find yourself having to wear something very uncomfortable!

quelle est ta taille de soutien-gorge ? - what is your bra size?

Do you know your bra size? Every sissy should commit this most unmanly of measurements to memory, but that may not be enough if you're only familiar with the inches used to measure bands in England and America. In Europe, centimetres are used instead, but the French go one step further, taking the international numbers and adding fifteen to them. That can make finding the right size bra even more of a challenge, so look at the labels on your lingerie, then ask your mistress for permission to examine hers, so you can learn what you need to say when shopping. Ma taille de soutien-gorge est...

UK / US Europe France en français
28 60 75 soixante-quinze
30 65 80 quatre-vingts
32 70 85 quatre-vingt-cinq
34 75 90 quatre-vingt-dix
36 80 95 quatre-vingt-quinze
38 85 100 cent
40 90 105 cent cinq
42 95 110 cent dix
44 100 115 cent quinze
46 105 120 cent vingt
48 110 125 cent vingt-cinq

quelle est ta taille de bonnet ? - what is your cup size?

As if that wasn't confusing enough, your cup size may also change when you consider things the French way - at least, as far as the letter is concerned. Breathe a sigh of relief that your breasts shouldn't become any more burdensome as a result, and consult your lingerie labels again, remembering that even individual letters are pronounced differently when speaking en français.

UK US Europe / France prononciation française
A A A ahh
B B B bey
C C C sey
D D D dey
DD DD or E E euh
E DDD or F F eff
F DDDD or G G jhay (soft G)
FF H H ash
G I I ee
GG J J jhee (soft G)

quel genre de soutien-gorge portes-tu ? - what sort of bra do you wear?

A padded push-up to make the most of your meagre male breasts, or something that might be safer to wear under a shirt? Perhaps you need a formidable full-cup affair to hold a pair of heavy forms in place, or maybe your mistress believes you benefit from uncomfortable underwires. Rather than find yourself stammering in the lingerie shop as you struggle to distinguish between all the different styles, learn the terms you need to know now. Why not go through your lingerie drawer, or even your mistress's laundry (with her permission!), and identify each kind? J'aime porter ... et ma maîtresse aime porter ...

un soutien-gorge rembourré a padded bra
un soutien-gorge non-rembourré an unpadded bra
un soutien-gorge avec armatures an underwired bra
un soutien-gorge sans armatures a non-wired bra
un soutien-gorge plongeant a plunge bra
un soutien-gorge balconnet a balconette bra
un soutien-gorge ampliforme a push-up bra
un soutien-gorge corbeille a demi-cup bra
un soutien-gorge emboîtant a full-cup bra
un soutien-gorge de sport a sports bra
un soutien-gorge bustier a longline bra
un soutien-gorge préformé a contour or moulded bra
un soutien-gorge sans bretelles a strapless bra
un soutien-gorge fermeture devant a front clasp bra
un soutien-gorge ouvert a peephole bra (literally “open”)
un soutien-gorge d'allaitement a nursing bra

Are the cups too big or the band too tight? That might be deliberate if you've been disobedient, but without the words to refer to whichever part of your bra you find particularly problematic, you'll have little choice but to suffer in silence. If you learn the following nouns, however, you might stand a chance of persuading your mistress to have mercy on you - that is, if she doesn't want you to wear a punishing garment regardless. Make sure you memorise these!

une bande a band
un bonnet a cup
une bretelle a strap
un fermoir a clasp
un coussinet a pad

maîtresse et bonne discutent des soutiens-gorge - mistress and maid discuss bras

Sais-tu que la plupart des femmes ne portent pas la bonne taille de soutien-gorge, Fifi ? Did you know that most women do not wear the right size bra, Fifi?
Oui, Madame, mais vous avez souvent dit que mes soutiens-gorge sont tous bien ajustés Yes, Ma'am, but (mais) you have often said that my bras are all well-fitting
Bien sûr, Fifi ! Fermes-tu ton soutien-gorge à l'agrafe la plus lâche ? Of course, Fifi! Do you fasten your bra on the loosest of hooks?
Oui, Madame, mais c'est encore très serré ! Et très lourd, aussi ! Yes, Ma'am, but it is still (encore) very tight! And very heavy, too!
C'est très bien ! Rembourres-tu les bonnets, Fifi ? That's very good! Do you stuff the cups, Fifi?
Oui, Madame, avec des faux seins en silicone Yes, Ma'am, with silicone falsies
Oh là là ! Quelle femmelette tu es ! D'ailleurs, tes bretelles dépassent, tu bonne débraillée ! My! What a sissy you are! By the way, your straps are showing, you slovenly (débraillé(e)) maid!

The regular -er verb dépasser can mean “to overtake” or “to exceed”, but in the context of bra straps, stocking tops or petticoats, refers to them showing - a faux pas that every sissy must make great efforts to avoid! Might tes bretelles dépassent be a phrase that your mistress might use to draw your attention to such a shameful slip in public, without embarrassing you by announcing it to all and sundry? It's certainly a verb you can conjugate, so practise by warning yourself and other sissies that their shoulder elastic isn't where it should be.

sous ta jupe ou ta robe - under your skirt or your dress

Sissies who wear bras should also wear panties, but again, these come in a variety of styles, each proving emasculating in its own way! Whether you're expected to serve en dentelle, en satin or merely en coton, be sure that you can say what you're wearing under your maid's dress. If your mistress puts you on the spot, what other words can you use to describe your panties?

une culotte échancrée high-leg panties
une culotte montante high-waist panties
une culotte ouverte crotchless panties (again, literally “open”)
un shorty boyshorts
un slip briefs
un string a G-string
un tanga a thong

Ironically, porter la culotte (which might be naïvely translated as “to wear the panties”) is a French idiom not unlike “to wear the pants” in English, the meaning of culotte having changed over time in a manner that those more familiar with “trousers” than “pants” will understand. There can be no doubt about who's in charge, however, when you're wearing frilly women's underwear, a pair of lacy pink panties more than enough to mark any man as a sissy. Might you mouiller (“wet”) your panties at the thought of having to show them to whomever your mistress sees fit? As another -er verb, you should be able to conjugate that with ease, however embarrassing any dampness might be!

la bonneterie - hosiery

When we were learning about French nouns, we considered not only bras and panties, but stockings too. It's only fitting, therefore, that we finish this lesson by looking at the different sorts of hosiery a sissy might wear with his lingerie. You already know about des bas (“stockings”), but do you ever follow the lead of many modern women and opt for un collant (“pantyhose” or “tights”) instead? Like soutien-gorge, it's a masculine noun, and like culotte, it's singular despite being plural in English - both things to bear in mind when describing ladylike legwear. Incidentally collant(e) is also an adjective that means “sticky” (when referring to glue) or “clingy” when referring to dresses, or indeed, people. Think of that next time you pull on a pair of pantyhose, but be careful not to filer (“to snag” or “to ladder”, -er), let alone déchirer (“to tear”, -er) your hosiery, no matter what kind it might be.

des bas nylon nylon stockings
des bas jarretière suspender or garter stockings
des bas autofixant hold-up stockings
des bas résille fishnet stockings
des bas couture seamed stockings
des bas voile sheer stockings
des bas brillants glossy stockings
des bas opaque opaque stockings
des bas plumetis dotted swiss (small polka-dots) stockings
des bas fantaisie patterned stockings (literally “fancy”)

Some of these adjectives can be used to describe collant (“pantyhose”) too.

maîtresse inspecte les bas de sa bonne - mistress inspects her maid's stockings

Fifi, les coutures de tes bas sont une honte ! Fifi, your seams of your stockings are a disgrace!
Et as-tu filé le nylon, tu bonne maladroite ? And have you snagged the nylon, you clumsy (maladroit(e)) maid?
Non, tu l'as déchiré, n'est-ce pas ? No, you've torn it, haven't you?
Tu devras acheter une autre paire, après ta punition ! You will have to buy another pair, after your punishment!

exercices pour la onzième leçon - exercises for the eleventh lesson

Translate the following:

  1. un soutien-gorge emboîtant et une culotte montante

  2. Pardonnez-moi, Madame, mais la bande de mon soutien-gorge est trop serré

  3. Ces soutiens-gorge corbeilles sont sans armatures

  4. La femmelette adore porter des strings rose vif

  5. Le secrétaire maladroit déchire ses bas couture

Say the following in French:

  1. (a pair of) crotchless panties, a peephole bra and fishnet stockings

  2. Sissies wear hold-up stockings or garter belts

  3. Please, Ma'am, the cups of this push-up bra are too big!

  4. I stuff my bras with pads

  5. The (male) secretary chooses a black thong to wear under his skirt

leçon 12: attendre ta maîtresse - waiting for your mistress

The third group of French regular verbs end in -re. Once you know how to conjugate these, you can speak of hearing (entendre) your mistress as you're hanging out (étendre) the washing, and answering (répondre) her call. Don't claim (prétendre) you don't understand, or confuse (confondre) her commands - or you might find yourself losing (perdre) your dress and apron, then having to wait (attendre) in the corner until she deigns to return (rendre) them. Can you see the resemblance to similar meaning English verbs in some of those?

Patience is a virtue, so let's practise conjugating -re verbs with attendre (“to wait” or “to wait for”). Once again, we can construct the verb's stem by removing the last two letters, then add an appropriate ending to the resulting attend. With -re verbs, je and tu get an -s; il and elle leave the stem as it is; nous gets -ons; vous gets -ez, and ils and elles get -ent. As with -er and -ir verbs, that's five different endings, or only four if you consider that the third person singulars need no ending at all. Even the dullest of maids should have no trouble with that!

J'attends vos instructions, Madame I wait for your instructions (une instruction), Ma'am
Tu attends dans le coin You wait in the corner
Il attend l'appel de sa maîtresse He waits for his mistress's call (un appel)
Elle attend les excuses du secrétaire She waits for the secretary's apology
Nous attendons le retour de la vendeuse de lingerie We wait for the lingerie saleswoman to return
Vous attendez pendant que je paye You wait while (pendant que) I pay (payer, see lesson 15)
Ils attendent leurs femmes They wait for their wives
Elles attendent leur tour avec la femmelette They wait their turn with the sissy

In English, a sissy maid can just wait, but he must wait for his mistress, the transitive form of the verb (where it acts upon something) requiring an extra word to distinguish it from the intransitive form (where there is no object). In French, attendre can mean either without adding anything more, such that you won't see a pour in any of the above examples. Languages can rarely be translated word by word, it being necessary to become familiar with their particular patterns. With that in mind, let's look at some more examples:

Il entend le tintement de la clochette de sa maîtresse He hears the tinkling of his mistress's bell
Beaucoup de magasins vendent des bas Many shops sell stockings
Le secrétaire répond au téléphone The secretary answers the phone
Les femmes d'affaires confondent la chemise du secrétaire avec un chemisier The businesswomen mistake the secretary's shirt for a blouse
Elle perd son calme avec la femmelette impatiente She loses her temper with the impatient (impatient(e)) sissy
Les femmes rendent la veste de l'homme The women return the man's jacket
La femmelette prétend que sa culotte est propre The sissy claims that his panties are clean
La bonne soumise étend le linge The submissive maid hangs out the laundry

Practise conjugating the following -re verbs, making sentences of your own:

attendre to wait (for)
confondre to confuse
entendre to hear
étendre to hang out (washing)
perdre to lose
prétendre to claim
rendre to give back, to return
répondre to answer (requires à if there is an object)
vendre to sell

exercices pour la douzième leçon - exercises for the twelfth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Elles attendent la bonne

  2. Je rends la culotte à mon mari après sa punition

  3. Vous vendez des cuissardes en cuir rouge, Madame ?

  4. L'homme confond ses bas avec les bas de sa femme

  5. Ils prétendent adorer porter des sous-vêtements féminins

Say the following in French:

  1. I wait for my (female) boss

  2. He hangs out his wife's panties

  3. The maid answers his mistress

  4. The little shop sells bras for men

  5. We hear the (male) secretary's stiletto heels

leçon 13: une bonne très soumise - a very submissive maid

Just as nouns can be modified by adjectives (“the submissive husband”, “the black bra”), verbs can be modified by adverbs (“obeys immediately”, “shows obviously”). Don't let the name of these words fool you, however - as you learned in an early lesson, there are adverbs that modify adjectives (“the very submissive husband”) and even other adverbs (“shows extremely obviously”). It's easy to see how they can be added to a sentence, with English allowing some degree of freedom about their position. “The very submissive husband obeys immediately” is as valid, and indeed, as pleasing a statement as “The very submissive husband immediately obeys”, although “immediately” is the only adverb that can be moved in this particular case.

Both “obviously” and “immediately” finish in -ly, an ending that often converts an adjective (“the obvious bra”) into an adverb (“shows obviously”). In French, many adverbs end in -ment, as can be seen in the following examples:

La bonne obéit complètement The maid obeys completely
Le secrétaire répond immédiatement The secretary immediately answers
La maîtresse punit sévèrement la bonne The mistress severely punishes the maid
Son mari choisit correctement Her husband chooses correctly

The corresponding adjectives shouldn't surprise you:

son obéissance complète his complete obedience
une réponse immédiate an immediate answer
une sévère punition a severe punishment
le choix correct the correct choice

Indeed, an adverb can often be formed from an adjective by adding -ment to the latter's masculine singular form (for adjectives where that ends in a vowel) or its feminine singular form (for adjectives where it doesn't), just as you can often add -ly to adjectives to make adverbs in English.

Whereas adjectives and verbs must agree with their subjects, adverbs do not change. French is much stricter than English about their position, however, with adverbs that modify verbs generally needing to come after the verb that they modify:

Il porte toujours une culotte He always wears panties
Elle punit souvent son mari She often punishes her husband
Ils rembourrent aussi leurs soutiens-gorge They also pad their bras

Adverbs that affect the sentence as a whole should go at its start or its end:

Généralement, je porte un porte-jarretelles avec mes bas Generally, I wear a garter belt with my stockings
Le magasin vend des bas à ta taille, heureusement The shop sells stockings in your size, fortunately

Finally, adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs should go before them:

un très grand soutien-gorge a very big bra
un homme convenablement habillé a suitably dressed (habillé(e)) man
une maison impeccablement propre an impeccably clean house

comment travailles-tu ? - how do you work?

Study the following examples carefully, not only looking for adverbs that end in -ment, but also the verbs that they follow - which, with the exception of être, are all regular -er verbs. How many can you understand from their similarity to English words? What other new vocabulary is there to learn?

Il déteste vraiment porter des soutiens-gorge extrêmement serrés. Les armatures irritent constamment sa peau He really hates (détester) wearing extremely tight bras. The underwires constantly annoy (irriter) his skin
La bonne travaille rapidement et discrètement. Sa maîtresse regarde impatiemment The maid works (travailler) quickly and quietly. His mistress impatiently watches
La femme gronde bruyamment son mari rougissant. Elle sermonne rageusement l'homme humilié The woman loudly scolds (gronder) her blushing (rougissant(e)) husband. She furiously lectures (sermonner) the humiliated (humilié(e)) man
L'homme demande timidement le pardon de sa femme. Elle écoute patiemment, puis décide lentement de sa punition The man sheepishly asks for his wife's forgiveness. She patiently listens (écouter), then (puis) slowly decides (décider) his punishment
Le secrétaire donne docilement sa jupe à sa patronne. Elle demande cruellement sa culotte aussi The secretary submissively gives (donner) his skirt to his boss. She cruelly asks for his panties too
La femmelette supplie pitoyablement, mais il est absolument impuissant The sissy begs (supplier) pitifully, but he is absolutely helpless (impuissant(e))
Mon mari oublie rarement son tablier. Il porte régulièrement une robe de bonne aussi My husband rarely forgets (oublier) his apron. He regularly wears a maid's dress too

exercices pour la treizième leçon - exercises for the thirteenth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. La bonne paresseuse attend timidement sa punition

  2. Sa patronne est impeccablement habillée dans un chemisier en satin blanc et une jupe noire moulante

  3. La femme avertit discrètement son mari, et il obéit immédiatement à la vendeuse

  4. Elle donne rageusement les jupons sales à la soubrette

  5. Les femmes grondent cruellement la femmelette plantureuse quand il supplie pour un meilleur soutien-gorge

Say the following in French:

  1. She often forgets her panties

  2. Fortunately, I am always extremely submissive

  3. Many sissies regularly wear very sturdy panty girdles

  4. The businesswoman immediately punishes her clumsy secretary

  5. I really love to work for my very beautiful mistress

leçon 14: quelles culottes préfères-tu acheter ? - which panties do you prefer to buy?

Don't get too carried away with your ability to conjugate verbs just yet, however, because not all -er verbs stick precisely to the pattern that you've learned. There are several, admittedly smaller, groups of -er verbs that use the same endings, but have two slightly different stems depending on the subject, affecting how their conjugations are pronounced. There are also other groups whose spelling changes to maintain a similar pronunciation across all their forms, which we'll be looking at in the next lesson. For now, let's consider the first kind, which are, unsurprisingly, known as stem-changing verbs.

qui achète des culottes ? - who buys panties?

With most verbs that end in -e_er, the first “e” changes to an “è” in all but the nous and vous forms, the latter form being of particular note for a maid wishing to be respectful to his mistress. The addition of a grave accent makes the “e” have more of an “eh” than an “uh” sound in the je, tu, il, elle, ils and elles forms. Let's see how that works with acheter (“to buy”):

J'achète tous les produits de nettoyage, Madame I buy all (tous, see lesson 17) the cleaning supplies, Ma'am
Tu achètes tes propres bas avec ton propre argent You buy your own stockings with your own money
Il achète des bijoux chers pour sa femme He buys expensive jewellery for his wife
Elle achète une nouvelle brosse à cheveux parce que son ancienne est cassée She buys a new hairbrush because her old one is broken (cassé(e))
Nous achetons des soutiens-gorge à nos deux tailles We buy bras in both our sizes
Vous achetez beaucoup de nouvelles robes You buy many new dresses
Ils achètent des fleurs pour leur femme pour la Saint-Valentin They buy flowers for their wives for Valentine's Day
Elles achètent des gâteaux et du café au café They buy cakes and coffee at the café

Did you note how the men buying flowers did so pour leur femme (literally “for their wife”) rather than pour leurs femmes (“for their wives”)? In English, the former might suggest that they shared a single wife between them, but in French, the rules about third person plurals are different. Although you'll be understood if you use a plural noun, strictly speaking, a singular noun is called for when every man is buying flowers for one, but only one wife of his own. Using the plural here would suggest more of a group activity than individual demonstrations of devotion on Valentine's Day! Of course, the flowers should be plural regardless - une douzaine de roses rouges (“a dozen red roses”), at the very least!

Coming back to the act of buying, other verbs that follow the same pattern as acheter include:

corseter to corset, to constrain, to constrict
enlever to remove
harceler to harass
peler to peel
promener to take for a walk

Repeat the following sentences until you are sure you understand, then consider how they would change with different subjects. If your mistress were corseting you very severely, how would you tell her that with vous? What if she were walking you on a lead? Be sure to thank her for such treats as you picture the scene, practising until you can describe such delicious submission perfectly.

Il pèle les légumes pendant qu'elle discute avec ses amies He peels the vegetables while she chats (discuter, -er) with her friends
La maîtresse de maison corsète sa bonne très sévèrement The lady of the house corsets her maid very severely
Le secrétaire enlève sa jupe pour montrer sa culotte à sa patronne The secretary takes off his skirt to show (montrer, -er) his panties to his boss
Elle promène son chien en laisse She walks her dog on a leash
Les femmes harcèlent la serveuse masculine quand il prend leur commande The women harass the male waitress as he takes (prendre, see lesson 29) their order (une commande)

qui préfère les culottes ? - who prefers panties?

Similarly, verbs that end in -é_er, the “é” (e acute) changes to an “è” (e grave) in all but the nous and vous forms, making the “e” sound more like “eh” than “ey”. préférer (“to prefer”) is an ideal example to study, even if a maid's preferences must come second to his mistress's, as it has two “é”s in its infinitive, the second being subject to change when conjugated:

Je préfère porter une robe plus modeste I prefer to wear a more modest (modeste) dress
Tu préfères faire plaisir à ta maîtresse, Fifi You prefer to please (faire plaisir, see lesson 16) your mistress, Fifi
Il préfère travailler en tant que secrétaire He prefers to work (travailler, -er) as (en tant que) a secretary
Elle préfère manger du gâteau au chocolat She prefers to eat (manger, see lesson 15) chocolate cake
Nous préférons une ceinture de chasteté en acier inoxydable pour plus de sécurité We prefer a stainless steel chastity belt for extra security
Vous préférez utiliser ma bouche, Madame You prefer to use (utiliser, -er) my mouth, Ma'am
Ils préfèrent les récompenses aux punitions They prefer rewards (une récompense) to punishments
Elles préfèrent des maisons impeccablement propres They prefer impeccably clean houses

The following verbs also end in -é_er:

inquiéter to make uneasy
pénétrer to enter, to penetrate
posséder to possess
répéter to repeat
sécher to dry

As always, these are best illustrated with examples:

La taille des bonnets inquiète l'homme The size of the cups worries the man
Elle pénètre son esprit aussi bien que son corps She penetrates his mind as well as (aussi bien que) his body
Fifi possède plus de soutiens-gorge que sa maîtresse Fifi possesses more bras than his mistress
Il répète la ligne mille fois He repeats the line a thousand times
Après l'averse, le linge mouillé sèche très lentement After the shower (une averse), the wet (mouillé(e)) laundry dries very slowly

If you also find yourself worried about the size of your cups, or indeed, the consequences of a load of wet laundry, be aware that you can't use inquiéter to describe your anxiety directly. In the above example, it is the cause of concern that is the subject of the sentence, with the man who is afraid of what he will have to wear reduced to no more than object, making his plight still more shameful! To speak of your own fears, you would need to use the reflexive form of the verb, s'inquiéter, the conjugation of which you'll learn in lesson 24. For now, you might amuse your mistress by telling her this:

Je m'inquiète de porter un soutien-gorge en public, Madame I worry about wearing a bra in public, Ma'am

Note how, even with the unfamiliar addition, the accent still changes.

qui appelle la bonne ? - who calls for the maid?

Finally for this lesson, verbs that end in either -eler or -eter see their penultimate consonant (the “l” or the “t”) double in all but the nous and vous forms. That has the effect of changing an “ul” pronunciation into an “el”, and an “ut” pronunciation into an “et”. With appeler (“to call”, in either the sense of “to call someone something” or “to call for someone”), the conjugation is as follows:

J'appelle ma femme « Madame » quand je suis sa bonne I call my wife “Ma'am” when I am her maid
Tu appelles tes amis pour dire que tu es occupé You call your friends to say (dire, see lesson 28) that you are busy (occupé(e))
Il appelle sa patronne « Mme Masters », jamais « Emily » He calls his boss “Mrs Masters”, never “Emily”
Elle appelle son secrétaire, qui vient sur le champ She calls her secretary, who comes (venir, see lesson 29) at once (sur le champ)
Nous appelons l'assistante du magasin pour demander son avis We call the shop assistant (un(e) assistant(e)) to ask (demander, -er) for her opinion
Vous appelez et je réponds, Madame You call and I answer, Ma'am
Ils appellent ces relations « dirigées par une femme » They call these relationships “female-led”
Elles appellent leur mari des noms comme « chérie », « ma puce » et « choupette » They call their husbands names like (comme) “sweetheart”, “honey” and “smooshy”

The same pattern applies to the following verbs:

chanceler to totter
empaqueter to pack
ficeler to tie up, to truss
jeter to throw, to throw away
rejeter to reject
rappeler to call back, to recall

Let's consider how a sissy might find himself the subject or object of them:

Le secrétaire chancelle sur ses talons hauts The secretary totters on his high heels
Elle ficelle son mari soumis une heure avant que sa fessée commence She ties up her submissive husband an hour before his spanking starts (commencer, see lesson 15)
La femme d'affaires rejette la proposition du secrétaire The businesswoman rejects the secretary's proposal
La bonne jette les ordures dans la poubelle extérieure The maid throws away the rubbish (garbage) in the outside (extérieure) bin (trashcan)
Il empaquette des soutiens-gorge et des culottes pour son voyage d'affaires He packs bras and panties for his business trip
La brosse à cheveux rappelle à la femmelette sa dernière punition The hairbrush reminds the sissy of his last (dernier, dernière) punishment

rappeler is another verb that is more usually used in a reflexive form, so if you're wanting to speak of remembering something (literally “reminding yourself”), you'll need to wait you've learned how to use se rappeler.

exercices pour la quatorzième leçon - exercises for the fourteenth lesson

Translate the following:

  1. Sa femme rejette ses excuses

  2. Tu empaquettes tes propres sous-vêtements

  3. Mes corsets corsètent mon corps très inconfortablement

  4. Elle répète sa punition, puis il répète ses tâches ménagères

  5. Elles enlèvent ses chemisiers et harcèlent l'homme avec leurs seins

Say the following in French:

  1. I prefer to wear pink panties

  2. I love to buy lacy bras

  3. They tie the submissive man up and penetrate his mouth

  4. The woman's bra reminds the man of his wife

  5. The corsets in the shop worry the man, but his wife buys the tightest one.